Organic Hydro


I want to grow hydro and have always heard that organic provides the best flavor and also that with organics you cant over fertilize, but most hydro nutes that i come across seem to be synthetic. Can anybody point me toward some good organic nutes i can use in a hydro grow or is that all wrong? Should I just not worry about it and go with synthetic?


Well-Known Member
the only down side of organic hydro is that it makes your res dirty and stuff can easily grow in it.
other than that google is your friend :)


Well-Known Member
I think advanced nutrients is organic maybe not 100 percent organic thou but that's wat I would recommend remember to flush ur babies and clean ur res tank


New Member
I think advanced nutrients is organic maybe not 100 percent organic thou but that's wat I would recommend remember to flush ur babies and clean ur res tank
advanced makes an organic line but not all of their stuff is organic. in my opinion going organic with synthesized nutes in a hydro setup is pointless. I could explain it but someone has already done it better than me:

courtesy of Al B. Fuct

Organic hydroponics: Is complete nonsense. The 'organic' buzzword is overused and largely misunderstood by the general public. 'Organic' doesn't mean 'good' or 'better.' It means that the material in question is sourced from a biological system. Organic nutrients are, in actual fact, mostly shit. Compost and manures themselves are not assimilable by plants; it's the breakdown components, N, P & K, which plants eat. There's no difference between the N, P & K obtained via organic matter breaking down and that obtained from "chemical" aka inorganic fertilisers. However, inorganic nutes allow you to precisely and CONSISTENTLY control the amount of N, P & K presented to the plants. With 'organic' nutes, you never really know what the precise amounts and ratios of N, P & K your plants will actually get. Moreover, inorganic nutes are not affected by the use of H2O2 in hydroponic nute solns. Inorganic based hydro systems are clean, tanks are clear and such systems are much easier to maintain, especially for the newbish. Now, before some holy organic evangelist upbraids me for not knowing what I'm talking about, know ye this: my veg patch out back is run on organic principles; my cannabis plant waste, lawn clips and kitchen veg cuttings are composted and incorporated into the garden soil after spending about a year breaking down in the compost bins. It works pretty well- outdoors, where I don't give a damn how many bugs & microbes are hanging about. In my indoor hydroponic grow-op, I want to have only ONE living organism: cannabis plants.


+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Actually, Advanced Nutrients only has one or two products out of all of them that are actually organic. You have to look for the OMRI certification on the bottle, especially with a company as shady as them...

I believe you can use GO products with a hydro set-up, and then you'd probably need a few other products. They aren't OMRI certified, but they are a good company and a lot of organic growers use them with great results.

You can throw a post up in the organic section if you want asking if anyone uses GO's line-up with a hydro set-up, I think you would probably get good feed back.


honestly, I have all the feedback I need thanks to you guys. So the conclusion i am getting is HYDRO+ORGANIC=waste of time. I have already gotten my base nutes from cutting edge but all I have so far are the 3 plants that will become my mother plants and they are growing in soil. I think I am gonna start a.....Grow room build/first grow log.....and get input the whole way through to harvest if possible. Thank you all very much for your help


Well-Known Member
I use Gen Organics in my soil, and tried it in my cloner...not a pleasant Bucket was I go with botanicare for my hydro applications


Well-Known Member
Organic hydroponics: Is complete nonsense. The 'organic' buzzword is overused and largely misunderstood by the general public. 'Organic' doesn't mean 'good' or 'better.' It means that the material in question is sourced from a biological system. Organic nutrients are, in actual fact, mostly shit. Compost and manures themselves are not assimilable by plants; it's the breakdown components, N, P & K, which plants eat. There's no difference between the N, P & K obtained via organic matter breaking down and that obtained from "chemical" aka inorganic fertilisers. However, inorganic nutes allow you to precisely and CONSISTENTLY control the amount of N, P & K presented to the plants. With 'organic' nutes, you never really know what the precise amounts and ratios of N, P & K your plants will actually get. Moreover, inorganic nutes are not affected by the use of H2O2 in hydroponic nute solns. Inorganic based hydro systems are clean, tanks are clear and such systems are much easier to maintain, especially for the newbish. Now, before some holy organic evangelist upbraids me for not knowing what I'm talking about, know ye this: my veg patch out back is run on organic principles; my cannabis plant waste, lawn clips and kitchen veg cuttings are composted and incorporated into the garden soil after spending about a year breaking down in the compost bins. It works pretty well- outdoors, where I don't give a damn how many bugs & microbes are hanging about. In my indoor hydroponic grow-op, I want to have only ONE living organism: cannabis plants.



Well-Known Member
Sorry new at quoting but idk who said that about organic hydro but they are forgetting about the micro and trace nutes just saying...hydro is not really meant to be organic if u want true organics go with super soil it puts everything the plant needs in the soil and let's the plant decide wat it wants and when it wants it also hydro is not easier super soil u water every other day and don't have to check ph or any nutes at all only work is mixing the stuff for the super soil and u can very precisely measure organics just like bottled nutes organics have the n p k right on the box


New Member
Sorry new at quoting but idk who said that about organic hydro but they are forgetting about the micro and trace nutes just saying...hydro is not really meant to be organic if u want true organics go with super soil it puts everything the plant needs in the soil and let's the plant decide wat it wants and when it wants it also hydro is not easier super soil u water every other day and don't have to check ph or any nutes at all only work is mixing the stuff for the super soil and u can very precisely measure organics just like bottled nutes organics have the n p k right on the box
i quoted that from this guy with a bunch of stickies in the hydro section. his name is "al b. fuct."he's got a bunch of threads and it seemed fairly logical. i talked about it with a couple other guys and they consensus was that hydro organic really wasn't worth it.

i'm not a big fan of super soil. tends to be a little tempermental and kind of a pain in the ass. i'm trying out some new stuff now but i'm getting into Bountea and Alaska Humisoil teas. super easy to make and your plants go bananas on this stuff. plus it's pretty cheap too. i know a couple really expeiences guys who just love the stuff. some use it with organic canna nutes and some just use the tea. i'm using it with house and garden base nutes. basically i feed then the next time it's just tea and back and forth. plants are super green and looking great. i've always used sunshine #4 with worm castings but i will be starting an experiment soon using coco, sunshine, and a mix of the 2.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good jw who said that cuz it seems like a simple explaination for something a lot more complex n yea that sound like a good soil mix I just like soil the best regaurdless of wat kind or mix soil all day lol happy growing everyone


New Member
Sounds good jw who said that cuz it seems like a simple explaination for something a lot more complex n yea that sound like a good soil mix I just like soil the best regaurdless of wat kind or mix soil all day lol happy growing everyone
i hear ya man. i made the mistake of trying to go hydro on my first grow. it was a disaster. soil saved my ass. i'm sticking with it for now. i'm gonna keep giving hydro a shot but on a much smaller scale than i tried before. just mess around with it in a tent on the side and see if i can get it dialed in.

bob stine

dwc coolers work great guys and you could probably do organic hydro....a real organic nute line would be biobizz its omri and its good.....i think if you did dwc tea's and inoculated your hydroton with zho it would work out fine...personally i use H&G nutrients and when i went full hydro people tend'd to like the product more (go figure) i used to use a semi-organic coco setup i didnt tell anyone but when i switched they just said it was better same strain i grew forever too...seems some sativas for me at least like the organic route, but soil .....again use zho or mycogrow soluble man and your roots will be white as they can be forget h2o2 stuff sucks ....only time i used h202 is when my ph keeps drop'n which means usually you have a bad bacteria brew'n but i rinse after the h2o2 and inoculate again usually problems are from lack of air since i stepped upto 1 watt per gallon no more problems