Outdoor question

I live in southeast us and i have a question about growing outside. The light cycle right now is around 14 hours sun and 10 hours dark.So im wondering if i can plant outside right now and the cycle hits 12/12 in about 3 months .Will my plants flower then or will they need longer? The temp gets down to about 50 in 4 months at night and 60 in the day is that long enough? Strain is lemon skunk and thc bomb
i figured it would be ok just wondering if they will start flowering with the change in sun hitting 12/12..outdoors are new for me just need to get more bud stocked up ..any one with advice on late season grow please cooment
whats the typical length of an outdoor grow? im guessing ill have 4 months before its too cold i reaallly hope thats long enough.. i dont expect the best ever yield but in 4 months i think it will be something there


Active Member
a strain for a short season would be fast
manitoba .
or fast manitoba x manitoba poison
or crossed with any other strain.
the flowering time is signifigently shorter than 80% of strains.