

So I plan to plant some afghan in my backyard I have a perfect amount of sun needed to grow a plant. Just curious I found some guides for outdoor growing but never with using the actual topsoil of where they are growing. I'm just curious when i should deter from the average growing techniques. I figure I would plant them in some kind of pot and then transplant them to the topsoil of my backyard. also if any prep would be needed done to the soil. I live in a tropical/swampy climate. I know I explained this all scattered. Any help will be grateful. ALSO HAPPY 4TH!


Well-Known Member
get a 5 gal bucket. put half top soil (from the store)half native dirt. what i do is buy perlite and drill about 5 holes in the bottom of the bucket. i drop a layer of dime sized rocks in the bottom of the bucket. then i put a catfish in the bucket. then i go and wrap a small peice of toilet paper around the seed and stick it in the bucket. then water. the toilet paper keeps moisture in and nutrients can still pass through the tp to the seed. i mean just rip a corner off the sheet and dont wrap it too tight. water it twice a day. you can bury the bucket up to the rim if you want. plus if you ever have to move the plant you just pull up your bucket outta the ground. ive had a 100 percent success rate with this method. check out my grow



Well-Known Member
fish emulsion. excellent fertilizer and stabalizer. its been done for 1000s of years. traced it as far back as ancient chinese using fish carcasses for fertilizers
If you're at a location where you can grow a big plant, I would put it in the ground. The more room they have to grow, the bigger they get. Our plants each have an 8'x8' grow space. We average 2.5-3.5 pounds of bud per plant.
As far as prepairing the soil, I guess it depends on how good your dirt is. We have a good size garden. Every year we till in organic supplements before planting.


If you're at a location where you can grow a big plant, I would put it in the ground. The more room they have to grow, the bigger they get. Our plants each have an 8'x8' grow space. We average 2.5-3.5 pounds of bud per plant.
As far as prepairing the soil, I guess it depends on how good your dirt is. We have a good size garden. Every year we till in organic supplements before planting.

Thanks for the help. as for growing 8x8 not trying to go that big. i' am just looking for enough for personal. Also I believe Florida's soil is fine.