Panama Red

Aight Krew I’m back. I had some horrible issues with Root Rot in my attempted DWC. I was suggested to start over. I didn’t have the heart to throw this baby out. Here’s what happened. I live in the desert the water got hot. Can’t keep it Cool. So, I bought Fox Farms Ocean Forest. Put one plant from my DWC in it. The rest of the other 3 Died. I’m running Galaxyhydro 4th gen full spec lights. I got two about 30” away from canopy. When I first put this Babe in the Dirt. I had set it outside, thinking that it would probably die due to the difference in light. I was wrong. It took off. Left it outside for 2 weeks, then put it back under the lights for 12 hours. This baby looks Good. I intended on increasing the light, and thought I did. Wrong again. My question is what the F do I do now? I’m running a very mild solution of FF grow big big bloom and open sesame. It’s obviously flowering. When
do I know what to know, how do I know it



Well-Known Member
Aight Krew I’m back. I had some horrible issues with Root Rot in my attempted DWC. I was suggested to start over. I didn’t have the heart to throw this baby out. Here’s what happened. I live in the desert the water got hot. Can’t keep it Cool. So, I bought Fox Farms Ocean Forest. Put one plant from my DWC in it. The rest of the other 3 Died. I’m running Galaxyhydro 4th gen full spec lights. I got two about 30” away from canopy. When I first put this Babe in the Dirt. I had set it outside, thinking that it would probably die due to the difference in light. I was wrong. It took off. Left it outside for 2 weeks, then put it back under the lights for 12 hours. This baby looks Good. I intended on increasing the light, and thought I did. Wrong again. My question is what the F do I do now? I’m running a very mild solution of FF grow big big bloom and open sesame. It’s obviously flowering. When
do I know what to know, how do I know it
Is it a photoperiod plant under 12/12 light, yes? Then be sure it has total uninterrupted darkness during the dark period.

The plants are the hungriest and thirstiest during the first four weeks of flower. Be paying attention to the weight on the pot so you know when to water. Use veg nutes until it stops stretching...usually about 2-3 weeks after changing lights to 12/12. Then, start introducing flower nutes. The leaf color will start to change lighter yellowish green after you introduce flower nutes because of lower N ratio.

I would trim off any badly damaged leaves.
It looks like the yield will be pretty small, but at least you'll get something...

You could also revert to veg and train it out bigger for a few weeks, then flip back to flower....if that's what you want to do. (this assumes photo period plant)