Patrolling K9


Active Member
Well, my last and first harvest was successful:joint: There was something im worried about though.... My last grow, my whole house smelled like marijuana.. i dont have too much of a problem with it since it does alot of the time anyway! But i noticed a k9 unit squard car hovering down my street... What if while i was in the middle of a grow, the k9 unit passed by and the dog alerted? Wouldnt i be kinda fucked?:confused:


Well-Known Member
my grows are small, but i have to admit this is a nagging thought
i have heard of patrol cars driving by homes with K9 nose out the window
never saw a verified bust from this though


Well-Known Member
Unless the K9 is "activated" (given a command to search for contraband), their nose is "off". But if LEO is driving their scummy asses up and down the streets with their dog's noses "on", then you might have an issue.


Well-Known Member
a cop can't tell a k-9 to sniff out the window and use that as enough to generate probable cause.

scent particles can be carried miles and miles downwind. the dog could go crazy in front of one house for marijuana plants 10 miles away through the woods. the amount of times the dog would 'alert' would so greatly exceed the times the suspect house actually had drugs/contraband inside would render k-9 based detection useless.


Well-Known Member
a cop can't tell a k-9 to sniff out the window and use that as enough to generate probable cause.

scent particles can be carried miles and miles downwind. the dog could go crazy in front of one house for marijuana plants 10 miles away through the woods. the amount of times the dog would 'alert' would so greatly exceed the times the suspect house actually had drugs/contraband inside would render k-9 based detection useless.
that sounds reasonable, 10 miles may be a bit far, but i could see it would be difficult to 'point' to a specific house reliably
now if the dog was allowed to run free, i could see him ending up on a growers door step
but the dog would be trespassing without a warrant :)


Well-Known Member
10 miles is not far at all for scent particles to travel. a dog smells the world. they don't see too well. humans can see 50 miles or more on a clear day. if you spoke dog and told them a human can see 50 miles, they'd think your crazy. because they don't know what having good eyesight is. we can't begin to phathom how dogs perceive the world because we will never smell as good as they do.... but anyways.

police can't let a k-9 run loose while it's on the job if its not chasing a suspect. it has to be on a leash, and the handler has to be there always to give the comands. a k-9 won't respond to "STOP IT HURTS!"... if two kids are playing cops and robbers outside, and one of the kids has a play police uniform, the dog may believe it's a little cop and go after the 'robber'.... because of the liability scenarios like this cause, k-9 handlers hold on to their dogs unless it is absolutely necessary.


Well-Known Member
^^^ dogs are pretty amazing with smell, but this little thread does provide some good discussion
never really worried that some dog patrol was going to alert LE to my micro grow, but was one of those random unpleasant thoughts
but if they're that good over distance, wonder why they don't use K9's for large outdoor grow detection?
never heard of such, but you'd think it would be a lot cheaper than helicopter sweeps


Well-Known Member
Dude cops can walk around your outdoor property all they want. If they wanted to bust you with the dog why wouldnt they just walk the dog around the house.


Well-Known Member
Dude cops can walk around your outdoor property all they want. If they wanted to bust you with the dog why wouldnt they just walk the dog around the house.
this is the scenario that i've never liked thinking about, they could
but i don't think i've seen a bust that worked out this way
when they bring the k9, they seem to usually have a warrant


Well-Known Member
cops cannot walk around your outdoor property all they want. the constitution grants you the right to keep the government out of your property if you have done nothing wrong. a cop entering your property without any reason whatsoever, and no reasonable suspicion, has to leave if asked to. it's gathering the balls to tell a big-ass cop and his coleagues to leave that's the hard part. they'll also manufacture probable cause. they'll start using very threatening language like: "if you go down this road, we can't help you" "if you don't cooperate with us, we'll tell the DA to have no compassion" "keep this up and you'll be arrested for obstruction of justice"... all of this so you get nervous, make a mistake, and they can arrest you for whatever.

a good example: in TN they have a "verbal assault" minor charge cops use to manufacture probable cause left and right. If you say to a cop: FUCK YOU, they'll arrest you for 'verbal assault', and they can do whatever they want, search wherever they want.... these are the types of mistakes and loopholes cops look for if they don't have evidence of wrongdoing, but still have a 'hunch'....

they need reasonable suspicion to enter your property. they need a warrant to search. that is the TRUTH.


Well-Known Member
well if you aren't home be sure to lock all doors and windows, and close the blinds. get yourself a pair of argentinian dogo's and put up a beware of dog sign.

watch them try to walk around your property...... i dare them.....


Well-Known Member
Yeah they wouldnt dare with that big fucking german shephard and a gun on their hip. That ituation would be way too dangerous for them.


Well-Known Member
argentine dogos are used to swarm wild boars. those dogs are fierce, and about twice as large as a german shepherd.

and once again, they cannot step on your property. if they're going to your house with a k-9, it's already too late, you're probably gonna get caught.

you have to avoid that. if your not home, a cop may walk around your house. but it's not likely. the constitution protects you from that. a cop cannot, just for fun, start walking into people's back yard and expect to build any sort of case from evidence gathered when he stared inside the home from the back door.

that's not how it works, and there's a reason police don't do it. the constitution protects you from it. even if you were not home at the time.


New Member
correct if a dog alerted driving down the street the cop doesnt know what direction and then he would have to take the dog to each house to find which he alerted on which is unlawful search its not the same as when the check cars

it would basically be like if a cop said i know there is dope in one of these 5 houses lets search them and find which one repped for not being paranoid lol

a cop can't tell a k-9 to sniff out the window and use that as enough to generate probable cause.

scent particles can be carried miles and miles downwind. the dog could go crazy in front of one house for marijuana plants 10 miles away through the woods. the amount of times the dog would 'alert' would so greatly exceed the times the suspect house actually had drugs/contraband inside would render k-9 based detection useless.


New Member
then if u r not home and they search or come one your property nothing they find is admissable we have rights and they hope u dont know them so they can run over your ass then get u to plea bargain and most will when they dont have shit

Ok so what if you arent there to ask them to leave Mr. Constitution?


All my life I've heard that only one in a hundred dogs is cut out for being a LEO K9. I never bothered to look up what criteria they look for. I recently watched Barry Cooper's Never Get Raided, and he explained it. They need dogs that are OCD when it comes to their toy. If their toy was a ball they would fetch that ball until they dropped from exhaustion. Then they scent it with weed. Now you have a crack head dog obsessed with a weed scented ball. Presto, he will tear your car to shit to find your sack thinking it's his ball.

How to trick a crack head OCD dog
1. buy a bag of cat food
2. place food in your front yard
3. attract a cat or buy one. craigslist has a shit load of free cats on the site. (even though it's against the rules to post live animals)
4. continue to feed/water your cat near your front door to keep him there.

The dog will try eat the cat with all his might and the handler won't be able to use the dog.

He also mentioned grinding your seeds and stems and sprinkling it on your property line and the dog won't be able to get past the yard but I don't like that idea because it might make your house stand out. NEVER LEAVE ANYTHING IN SIGHT ESPECIALLY WHEN LOOKING IN FRONT OR BACK WINDOWS.


Well-Known Member
Not a bad idea! Cats are disposable anyway - at least the free ones on craigslist. LOL

All my life I've heard that only one in a hundred dogs is cut out for being a LEO K9. I never bothered to look up what criteria they look for. I recently watched Barry Cooper's Never Get Raided, and he explained it. They need dogs that are OCD when it comes to their toy. If their toy was a ball they would fetch that ball until they dropped from exhaustion. Then they scent it with weed. Now you have a crack head dog obsessed with a weed scented ball. Presto, he will tear your car to shit to find your sack thinking it's his ball.

How to trick a crack head OCD dog
1. buy a bag of cat food
2. place food in your front yard
3. attract a cat or buy one. craigslist has a shit load of free cats on the site. (even though it's against the rules to post live animals)
4. continue to feed/water your cat near your front door to keep him there.

The dog will try eat the cat with all his might and the handler won't be able to use the dog.

He also mentioned grinding your seeds and stems and sprinkling it on your property line and the dog won't be able to get past the yard but I don't like that idea because it might make your house stand out. NEVER LEAVE ANYTHING IN SIGHT ESPECIALLY WHEN LOOKING IN FRONT OR BACK WINDOWS.


Well-Known Member
i have a childhood friend who's dad is a big k-9 buff.

they own 4 of them. trained right here in the US.

there's two different types of police dogs. there's detection dogs, and then there's attack dogs.

the ocd ones are the detection ones, there's a lot of bloodlines that provide suitable attack dogs. some of these can provide both detection, and attack dogs, these are the crem of the crem, and usually go towards private security firms protecting high-profile people.

a good detection dog costs about 8,000 USD.
attack dogs run about 5,000, for a 6 month old, semi trained and ~6200 for a 1 year old fully trained.

those dogs are super trained to ignore other animals. a cat will distract a dog searching your car, but not for too long. the dog will ignore the distraction with good training. detection dogs that repeatedly fail distraction situations are retired (not euthenized, most of the time some cop keeps the dog).

look for k-9 distraction training on youtube. you'll see what I mean.


Well-Known Member
He also mentioned grinding your seeds and stems and sprinkling it on your property line and the dog won't be able to get past the yard but I don't like that idea because it might make your house stand out.
this is a good point, and one i've considered when i think about using this method
if you actually have a dog situation, that probably means warrant
if they have a warrant, they don't give up easy, are some false trails going to be enough to make them give up?
probably not, at least i don't think so