ph out of controll


help new at this and hp sping out of controll the hight 7s need some help all so just picked up a 600w hps/mh light system and need some help on how hight it should be above my babys can some of you pro,s help i am useing fox farm ocean forest soil and giving them fox farm big bloom and tiger broom and growing in 3gal pot plant getting big show i put them in 5-7gal pots and should i do that before i put them in frower???help help:roll:


Well-Known Member
i can barely understand the majority of this..but yeah transplant before flower and whats wrong with your ph now?
If you're going to transplant then definately do it before you put them under 12/12 for flowering. It seems odd that your pH would be so high with those nutes. I use the same nutes and they drive water that starts out at 6.8 down to 5.2. Where are you seeing pH in the high 7's? Is that run off, soil ph, what?


Well-Known Member
I been using sulfuric acid for years, its the cats ass and can stabilize any solution. For 6 bucks you can make up gallons. 1 cup battery acid to a gallon tap water, or, 8 oz sulfuric acid to 120 0z water, (thats a gallon of water with a cup of the water removed). My plants love me for it.