Pineapple express,,how long before i put her into flower

hiye peeps,this is my 1st attempt at putting a plant into flower as ive only grew a couple of auto's beforehand..i have a pineapple express and shes 6 weeks sprouting from seed,how long does she go before i put her into flower,,i dont want a massive plant as i only a a smallish grow tent with another 5 auto northern lights in there..any advice would be really helpful thanks



Well-Known Member
its will get better with time at keeping the nodes closer together and attaining a canopy instead of just letting the plant grow straight but never the less that is tall enough it will grow at least half of its height over again in flowering...lookup lst methods this is an easy way to learn to train your plant to maximize yield in a smaller area


Well-Known Member
Looks pukka,the only thing i think i could add to your growing is do less two per light.If you have a height of 4ft then you could do 2 at 1 ft flowering height and get easy 7/8oz dry per 600 hps light...................tyke


Plants tend to at least double in size when you switch to (12/12) so I would say you're good to go.
Beautiful plant btw.
thanks voi,,only done 3 plants and all turned out beauties,,well happy with my new hobby although i know i still got lots to learn,,i dont even know what topping means lol