Pineapple Xpress

This is my P-Xpress at 4 1/2 WK's from switching to 12/12, I love the way it's growing and putting on mass, but I am concerned it's maturing to fast, I looked at the trich's this morning and they are at least 95% cloudy, saw 2 ambers and just a few clears the buds still seem to be swelling , I am growing in soil using Fox Farm grow big for veg and big bud for flower, I also mixed in a little chicken manure my PH is 6.6, (1) 1000 watt HPS for flower and a 8 bulb T-5 for veg P-Xperess 001.jpgP-Xperess 002.jpgP-Xperess 003.jpgP-Xperess 004.jpg