Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Imagine the guy taking the picture and not helping him. Priceless.
The person must have an expensive camera with picture stabilization. If I took it it would be blurry a fuck from laughing so hard. I wonder if it tried to keep going, mopping the floor with him/her.


Well-Known Member
A man goes into a bar and sits next to this guy that's looking a bit down. The guy turns to him and says " You see that house over there? I built that house. I milled and planed every board. I crafted the stairs, doors and windows. Do they call me Otto the great house builder?--Nooooo!". " You see that bridge? I built that bridge. Hauled and set every stone. Do they call me Otto the great bridge builder?----Noooo!". " But you fuck one sheep-------"


New Member
A man goes into a bar and sits next to this guy that's looking a bit down. The guy turns to him and says " You see that house over there? I built that house. I milled and planed every board. I crafted the stairs, doors and windows. Do they call me Otto the great house builder?--Nooooo!". " You see that bridge? I built that bridge. Hauled and set every stone. Do they call me Otto the great bridge builder?----Noooo!". " But you fuck one sheep-------"

I worked w/ an old guy.He said one day,I've been laying blocks for 25 years,nobody ever called me a mason.I suck one little dick,I'm a cocksucker for life.....he was obviously joking,lol