PLants stopped growin


Well-Known Member
My plants are 2 1/1 weeks old and i was using a halogen light..i got rid of that thing becuase i heard it can hut the plant/burn down my house..Now i recently put in CFL lights and there on a 24/0 light cycle..before the change i had them on a 16/8 cycle and they grew 2 inches a day..its been almost 4 days now and they havent grown a bit..So do you think the lack of the nightcycle is stunting there growth


Well-Known Member
it might just be a reaction to the reduction of lumens they will prolly adjust and start growing again


Active Member
make sure your light is a couple inches above your plant, and yeah ganjaman speaks truth. Also, make sure that your plant isnt root bound. It needs plenty of room in the pot if you want it to keep growing.


Well-Known Member
the cfl lights i have are like fuckin 13 watts..which suxxxxx..but i have 200 watt bulb gonna have to get a few 60 watt cfl..i just cant afford MH HPS


Well-Known Member
u cant go cheap and get good yeild that all hps mainy for buddin any grower knows that and the 24 sucks i hate it i stick with 18/6 never change the cycle to u have to flower ....


Well-Known Member
maybe next grow ill use gettin a few 60 watt cfl's tomorrow..ive heard some good things about cfls


Well-Known Member
maybe next grow ill use gettin a few 60 watt cfl's tomorrow..ive heard some good things about cfls
I think LEDs are worth looking into...some people are not convinced
but I am running them exclusively for vegging and supp them with hps in my flower room and my buds are looking gr8.....they are very safe and cheap to run...also you can grow costantly for 5/7years (depending on the qaulity of the bulbs) with the same bulbs until they start to lose their effectiveness ... just a thought :roll: :smile: