please help plant dieing


New Member
hello all i am a newb to DWC just started about #weeks ago from seed i orderd bubblelious and Master Kush this one i am goin to show you is the bubbleious
DWC bubbler 18gal tote 2 large air stones feeding Gh nutes 3part mirco grow PPM is around 100 i start with tap water that is around 23 the first week into veg i fed to 50 PPM got alil burn did over due rez change few days after that and now im about week 3 of veg and bumped my ppm to 100 and once again got slight burn..ppm is remaining the same the ph..i cant tell exactly cause its a dropper kit but i belive it to be stable anywhere from 5.5-6.5 yellowish/slight greenish. i look at the cover and looks like im in the rite ph.. heres a few pics of a few days ago when it was fine or ok .. till right now today looks like this new forming leaves very yellow with like a purple on tips ..ohh and im not sure how to exatly feed i gave like 12 quarter teaspoons of mirco and 15 quarter teaspoons of bloom to equal about 100ppm..please help i dont want this girl to die its way to early im regreting not doin soil but i really wanna do my dwc grow thx in advance anything help is much appreciated and over last thing.i havent added the grow part of the nutes cause i heard with the mirco and bloom ya dont have rez temps are around 64-69 cooled with half gallon of ice cools it to around 64 so i try and add twice a day fresh ice to remain under 70.. thank you everyone..oh and i did fim around 5days ago if not a cupple more but seemd fine with that acutaly shoting out everywhere



Well-Known Member
Please do not quote me on this, but from what I have read, it takes all 3 parts to make a balanced meal in a 3 part base nutrient package. I would do some research on that and having an accurate way to test ph is of the utmost, 5.5 is doable, 6.5 will cause all kinds of mishaps, such as what you see here. 5.5 is more than 10x as acidic as 6.5, it is not a linear scale, it is grossly exponential. To far in either direction will cause lockouts.
When you add ice, is it in a bag or container?, not just adding straight ice to the rez, I hope. If not, that is killing you on ph even more so. Do it with frozen Gatorade bottles of water or the likes. ( reusable)

There are several issues here, one is cutting corners on base nutes, I have not read where too many folks do this., they do use much less ppm in most dwc I have read about, but all 3 get used in equal parts, some pros play with the ratios, but I would stick to the lighter side of the suggested. The other is not knowing the ph. until these are known, death is a likely end for these waters M8.




New Member
thank you very much for the responce i belive this plant to be locked out at the moment. i belive it was a ph issue as i have it dialed to around 5.5. now as i belive it to be on like 7.0 ..and yes ice is in half gallon milk plastic..and i had bought all 3parts but ater found on on the lucas formular second part is not needed (grow). s yea thats where i got that from ..thank you for your input anyone else that thinks they know the prob here?please feel free thank you everyone


Active Member
Yes your pH is way to high and should be about 5.8. The 3 part nutes your using can be uses the way your using it but it normally used that way in flowering. I would highly recommend getting a digital pH meter and not use the drops. As you can see by using them its not much difference between 6.0 and 6.3 in color but to the plant its the difference between green and yellow leaves