Please Help!- Plant suddenly dying!


Active Member
Please anyone who has knowledge/experience!

Just a few days ago, my 4th week flowering- very healthy plant started curling/drooping a bit. and now 2-3 days later the bottom leaves simply hang on the stems and the leaves are papery and dull. the leaf stems of the whole plant are starting to loose the rigidity. this is extra shitty because i have too many cfl's to avoid burning all the leaves before i can fix this problem.

Does anyone know what's wrong/how to fix it?

Any help would awesome-



Well-Known Member
it looks like a big plant, maybe try giving it more water in the same amount of time? i don't know for sure, maybe a more established grower could give better advice. also are you PH'ing your water?


Active Member
I had the same thing happen to one of my hydro plants. The 4th week it just wilted and died. I have two smaller plants that are extremely healthy. Water is definately not my problem. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Active Member
Hey everyone- This is brute from the thread. my password/login arent working so i had to make another one. I guess i like this one better anyways.

GOOD NEWS! most everyone was right with the advice- my plant has become predominantly root bound, and i had not been watering enough... and probably using too much fert (for the amount of water). I flushed/watered with 4 cups of my "pH UP" water (water with dissolved calcium carbonate- you'd be surprised how well a few crushed tums will fix acidity problems) and the plant stood up within 45 minutes! awesome. this is my first grow and im learning new stuff thx everyday... lots.

thx for all the help guys- look for me as TKOB now-



Active Member
ps- the container is a 5 gallon cut down to ~3.5.

i fertilized veg with a 20-10-10, started flowering w/ a light 5-15-10, and switched to 0-2-1 a few weeks ago.

the plant is currently 38" and has... 83? buds. my cfl's weren't close enough (and i only had 10-12) for the first part of flowering so i know my harvest wont be huge, but im thankful i havent killed this beauty yet.


Well-Known Member
keep it watered well....I could tell the second I looked at your first pic that was the issue. lookin good for cfl's though


Active Member
yea definitely. 100x faster than egg/usual homeade stuff, and way way cheaper than the Brand Name pH Up Down

again, thx for all the help guys. ill have more ?'s im sure