Purple New Growth/purple leave undersides/fused misshapen leaflets


New Member
First indoor grow in a while.
Crop King WW
Viparsprectra 600W LED ~24" away currently set on full spectrum 20/4 and just switched to full 24.
Temps are 68-73 RH=~30-40%
Green tree growers blend organic soil mixed with home organic no till composted garden soil.
Water is 6.3 pH spring water for now and have the boogie blue water filter.
I have a crap soil pH/light/moisture meter that's telling me my soil PH is ~7.5.
The purple has been there from the first set of true leaves. The first sets of 2 bent and curled and were fused on the other 2.
Watered soil for the first week with pH-ed 6.3 spring water and then gave them a 1/5 strength boogie brew compost tea and a slight dose of mycorrhizae to boost the soil biology without really adding hot nutes.
Currently 12 days old in pics. Growing everyday, and roots just showed at bottom of pot so transplanting in a few days. The most deformed one (which had its first 3 leaflet leaves come out missing the middle leaflet and has rounded side leaflets, of which 1 can be seen starting to yellow in the pic. They all have a dark green color to the older leaves and newer growths are purple which turns dark green, the areas out of the light seem to remain green which is yet another sign of P deficiency. I don't know what I should do to fix the P.
7 gal fabric pots with greentree growers and black gold casting mixed approximately 6:1 for 2 of the sprouts.
Inoculated those 2 pots with a full strength boogie brew and mycorrhizae a few days ago in order to have them somewhat ready for the transplant.
Going to get a different soil for the other 2, either Roots or FF or Biocanna and also mix some biochar I got when I ordered the boogie brew set.
Should I mix in bone meal to the new 7 gal pots before transplanting?
The pots are being kept off the floor now because I thought the purpling of new growth may be due to root temp drops causing phosphorus deff or maybe a pH problem causing P issue. Is this possibly genetics and will this go away after I transplant if it is due to the soil?
Also should I pH the soil before transplanting with vinegar or pH down?
I have done my homework and so far this site has helped but now I felt a post would maybe help me more directly. I know every set up needs to be tested and perfected and every grow is different but I have never seen this on sprouts.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
3 of the 4 are pictured and the one not included looks the most normal in shape but has the purple as well. All the sprouts have reached the bottom and seem to be growing fine and they all have begun to grow branches at the first 2 nodes. Im not super worried as they are growing but I am always looking to learn.

~"Excuse me while I light my spliff" BM
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I'll take more tonight when I transplant. Should I pre pH my soil if it's reading 7.5 ish? I heard vinegar works fine and not so harsh as pH up down liquid. I've read the curling is due to pH being high.
Biggest problem .... Overthinking it ....
There is NO REASON trying to " balance ph or nutes in such a small container ".

Find a good mix for your larger containers ( FFOF / Promix / sunshine ) ....
Since you mentioned FOX FARM ... You just transplant into soil and thats it.
DO NOT ADD ANYTHING FOR 5 weeks. It is a hot soil that will carry the growth for quite a while .... Water at 6.5 and thats it .... No PH soil is necessary as soil is ALREADY PH BALANCED ( 6.3 - 6.6 ) . It is controlled by the Oyster Shell ingredients in soil. No need to check runoff and all that shit.

Add perlite to soil when transplanting. About 25-30% to soil. Helps in aeration and drainage. Stick with 18/6 light cycle .... Not much difference than running 20:4 plus you get to use LESS electricity . With the VIPARSPECTRA use both switches on at all times thru entire grow. Drop height to 18" and you will be golden .
One more thing .... Led grows require LESS FEEDING than other light grows as your plants will transpire less than say a HID light setup. You will find watering spaced out farther apart being that soil dries slower.
You have a P issue for sure and you are almost definitely going to need a calcium supplement in flower with those Vipar blurple LED's.

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I will just put them in soil for now for the transplant. I was planning on using blackstrap molasses (cal mag and K)which I have used before with great success in small doses during flower.
I will buy Ffof tomorrow and also possibly another option and see which works out.
They don't look as dark out of the lights but the undersides of the leaves are vibrantly purple more than I've ever seen in a sprout which is concerning. As long as I can learn from this though I will be happy. And there's always next time if it doesn't work out.
Budzbyddha: I'll be lowering the light and back to 18/6. I will transplant tomorrow but afraid Ffof is too hot and will continue the problem.
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Thanks everyone for the input.
Budman How do you think I fix a P deff this early? I know adding stuff is bad. Oh and budzbuddha so I shouldn't transplant two into the green-tree growers blend and BG worm castings then? Does adding worm castings go against what you said. Because I did that and mixed it watered it and inoculated the pots. Thinking about just transplanting now the two weirder ones now.
All good now! The growth has turned into green and they are branching out a bunch. They really wanted to be transplanted. I gave them all new soil and bough hot soil and filled the bottom half and then put the regular organic greentree growers blend on top of that with bio char mixed in. Haven't needed any water, and all have almost double in width and stem thickness. The first set of soil must have been too small or cold for them. Thanks again for all the help!