Question About Seeds.


Well-Known Member
.i have a 60 day plant----its a male ,also a bagseed variety called az.its a female nomal grow time,how do i make 60 day plant or can i with these 2 plants.where might i find info on this for the normal uneducated southern boy!was thinking ahead


Active Member
I think you are asking if you can breed the auto trait into the seeds of a auto/non-auto cross.

You would need to collect and store the 60 day pollen.

YOu would then cross the plants and plant the seeds.

The seeds of this cross would be of every variety, some auto, some not.

You pick the best auto you can find, then you pollenate it with that pollen you saved from the first plant.

Keep doing this for a few generations until all seeds you pop 60 day, and not regular.

At this point, you have stabilized the auto trait and 99% of the crosses from these will be autoflowers.




Well-Known Member
1 more question..i also hava a 60 day female----if i cross with the 60 day male will all seed be around 60 day?