R/O water and Super Soil, cal/mag needed?


Active Member
i can tell you this much, its not omri certified though they are kind of a joke. i think they finally hired their first PhD not long ago to actually look into products they are certifying. you shouldve seen the credentials of the people OMRI certifying shit. either way thats gotta mean something if they didnt certify it. another thing the general organics line was banned by the Oregon Department of Agriculture and they specifically suspended Go CaMg first because they found their labels were incomplete (didnt put EDTA on the label so they could say it was organic). bottom line is its bullshit, but it does work as a cal mag source, its just not organic.

ive used the product. i have a bottle of it nearby and i can say mine is not like that. its just a dark stinky clear liquid. if it had particulate matter suspended in it then it would be murky as shit. my bottle is old. so apparently they are now on the registered list and my bottle was one of the old ones. they must be micronizing dolomite for the new shit.

edit: the fermented molasses is just a sugar. doesnt do anything to chelate neither calcium nor mag

edit 2: http://www.oregon.gov/ODA/PEST/Pages/stopsales.aspx nice list of a bunch of products that have been chemically analyzed.


Active Member
Found this thread from a few months back, Never really got a super clear answer on using GO cal/mag with every watering.
Im using the last of my mixed SS that I made myself, and Im starting to wonder if I added enough Epsom salts and Dolomite lime..

Should I add 1 tbsp/gal of Dolomite lime to the topsoil of my pots to correct the problem and continue to add GO Cal/mag to my RO water? Looks like Im getting a ph imbalance on a few ladies which is causing a lockout, just wondering if the powdered lime would correct that problem?

I add about 1tsp per gal of the GO Cal mag, brings the RO water up to about 200-250ppm
then I ph my water to 6.3-6.8

SpaceDawg #9 for example:

Some leaf tips also drying/curling up
Any advice/help would be appreciated.


Active Member
based on science. Ca is a metallic element and cant be liquefied unless its bound to something else like nitrate which is common OR a chelator is used. most often EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. i might be wrong on this but i think the calcium nitrate might also need chelation. if you check other calmags they will all have the EDTA on the lable, but GO CaMg doesnt and this is how they manage to say its 'organic'. it says its naturally derived but like i said it being a metallic element it cant be in solution unless chelated. sure you can pulverize the shit out of it into a really fine powder, but thats still not what theyre doing, as it would be very visible in the liquid and would settle in the bottom on the container.
milk.... 300ppm the mighty cow.