Reflectors and Aluminum.

This may be a dumb question but I have to ask. My best friend told me, since he's a more experienced grower, that you can use aluminum foil as a relfector as long as your lights are florescent and don't give off much heat. I was told by a few people online that it can create burn spots on the plant but i'm not sure if this is a special circumstance.


Well-Known Member

You can use aluminium foil but its less reflective than flat white paint!!!!

Creases could cause uneven light reflection etc.

I personally paint everything white.



Well-Known Member
i didn't actually use it, but i experimented with spray painting aluminum foil with flat white
and it worked great! paint is still on the foil for 2 years, kept it as a souvenir

newb weed grower

Active Member
hmm thats kinda neet
im an aluminum foil master no one can out foil me mwahahhaha
if only
i wish i had some of that super putty
cause my grow space had a brick roof
so nails wont work
and i wanna hang my lamp i made
if u have a good idea or at least a cheaper one tells me
also wat about t5 pplz


Well-Known Member
mighty putty sucks, i tried it and i followed the directions to a t and tried using it to attach a few cfl light bar w/y splitters(a total of 8 42w each light bar) and tested it a few times after it cured and i could put alot of pressure on it and it would hold more pressure than the cfls would cause.about 6 weeks later opened the box one day and they had fallen and burned/crushed my plants. luckily only 2 bulbs broke. being dumb i decided to try it one more time after giving it extra curing time and once again it happened. I was disappointed as hell.


Well-Known Member
hi there newb weed
i also got to work with brick in my grow room only thing i can say
is masonry drill bits and wall plugs unless you cover the ceiling
in some sort of board thats the only way to keep your equipment safe

GL hope this helps