Requiem for a friend~Slikrik


Well-Known Member
I am not sure how many people here remember Slikrik,
We became friends about 5 years ago on Breedbay and just formed a connection between us.
He was a Tattoo guy living on Northshore with his lovely lady.
When Jill and I got married in Oahu 3 years ago Rik and his girl were our best man and maid of honor.
He taught me about growing on the islands ( it's much harder than people think) and treated us like royalty while were were there dining and toking us out.

Soon after they moved to the mainland down near LA.
We kept in touch but lifes busy and the last time he tested me I barley replied at all dealing with 12 other things.

Sometime after midnight on 420 he suffered a massive stroke and left this mortal world.

I feel so bad for his girl they were as close as Jill and I just to really cool very unusual people like me and Jill that found each other on the big old world.

Rik used to call me his "Dawg" and thats how I will always remember things. Him on the phone happy as hell just to be even though dude worked like 14 hours a day to make life happen for him and his woman.

If any of you guys are members of Breedbay or GP please let his friends know

Riks hanging with Dannyboy now.

Baddest Dreads of Any white dude I ever knew!!!

I won't forget my Dawg!!

Sad Sub



Sorry for your loss, Sub. But it sounds like Slikrik had some truly fine times in his days you all did. Primo bowls with good buddies in the Islands? That's globally fine in my book. Fine times, fine friends, fine tunes, that's about the best we can realistically hope for...


Active Member
I am Very Sorry for your Loss Brother! I too lost a friend that same morning. Loss and grief is one of the most confusing feelings there is. ~~~
Terribly sorry to hear this Sub. i heard about this the other day from Ccoastal, he mentioned your good friend passed away on the MIRC weednerd channel. We had a moment of silence. Im sorry for your loss. Everybody has their time and unfortunately you never know when that will be. All part of Gods plan. Anyway, keep your head up brother, as your work on this earth is an inspiration to many including myself. So far out of all the strains of yours im running I have only tried the chernobyl and i was so impressed with how your description was right on the money. It was by far the tastiest and best pot i have ever smoked... So far.(ive got agent orange, querkle goin now too with apollo13bx, the flav, and pandoras box on deck. The lemon lime puckered my mouth and it really helped out my back spasms. Not to mention the smell. Your buddy is in a better place now, and one day you, him, and dannyboy will reunite in the afterlife and show all the old souls what real dank is. Love and prayers to you and mzjill.