Rubbermaid CFL Buddha's Sister Scrimshaw grow.


Active Member
Howdy Folks,

Recently I was in a local headshop and saw some Buddha's Sister seeds that caught my eye, originally being set on Northern Lights I decided on the Buddha because I planned on keeping it fairly small.

Alright, so here's what I've got. A slightly scrimshaw setup but it seems to be doing the trick.

The soil is a sterilized organic herb soil which seemed to fit the bill.

6 x 26w CFL 6700k bulbs on a power strip suspended from the lid of the container roughly 9600 lumens.

Three Buddha's sisters out of five seeds, two of which were late bloomers.

Passive air and heat transfer though will be upgraded to a small fan.

I'll be using a 10-15-10 fert when the time comes and am waiting to decided on a blooming fertilizer. Currently running a 20/4 schedule for the lights.

And here's the photos, I over watered earlier and am currently letting them drain a bit.

All of my seedlings baby leaves appear to be a little warped. I noticed the seed hull stayed on for quite some time with the largest sprout and the other two came up without it.
This is actually a tomato that I was using to test out the grow box. This is 4 days in here :D

My first sprout! Notice the warped baby leaf, yet nice pointed ones.
A slow sprouter, i'm afraid I buried it too far down, which goes for the other sprout as well
Side shot of my best plant so far. I shall call him, Carl.
Carl, Basking in his lights.
The rest of the lights over the other two.
My not so inconspicuous grow box.

So far it has been three days since the largest sprouted and the others just began to show today.

Comments, critiques are welcome, but be gentle.


Active Member
Thanks, I've been reading a lot of Journals and figured if I'm going to do one thing right, at least let it be the journal (If not the grow box).


Active Member
Ah, forgot to add that this is my first grow too. Just trying to see if it will work. I've always loved growing plants so woo hoo what a journey this'll be.


Well-Known Member
Ah, forgot to add that this is my first grow too. Just trying to see if it will work. I've always loved growing plants so woo hoo what a journey this'll be.
Well youve come to the right place. You'll get lots of help here. I'll keep checking in to see your progress because Im really nosey. LOL


Active Member
Journal post # 2 Woop!

So, some progress today! I ended up working a nine hour shift only to arrive home to my babies flourishing (or at least in my mind they are). So of course, here are the photos! I believe this is about day 7 after starting germination but my memory isn't what it could be..

Group shot! Carl on the left, They popped in a counter clockwise direction if you couldn't tell.

Carl looking svelt, tossing off her baby leaves in anticipation of her third set of leaves pushing in.

Little bit of a close up on the new leaves.
A profile shot, because well. I paid too much for this camera to only shoot from two angles.
One of the late bloomers coming in strong, though deeply buried which oughta help with stability down the road.
The second late bloomer, aerial view!

Side view

Other side view! (Forgive me..)


Carl, basking in her set up.

Well, there's the round up. Let me know what y'all think.



Well-Known Member
Thanks, I've been reading a lot of Journals and figured if I'm going to do one thing right, at least let it be the journal (If not the grow box).
Good job, I'll be following along, Good Luck and remember that experience is the best teacher, so learn about your space as the grow progresses. The rest will just follow naturally.bongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hey hey,

Lookin good so far.

You might want to bury the stem of the leggy one a bit, could be a sign your lights are a bit too far away as well. Though i find this happens to a lot of seeds indoors....



Well-Known Member
So far so good. I have my second grow underway and I'm using a storage tub with cfls as well. You are in for a long haul but I'm subbed up.


Active Member
Back again! Had a rough shift and ended up crashing instead of taking photos but here they are to all those waiting anxiously (Pretty much just me)

Group shot!
The mighty Carl with new leaves forming supremely. On the advice of Silverserf I buried the stem a bit for more stability.

Aerial view of Carl
#2 doing well with a short thick stem.
#3 almost matching Carl for new leaves.
Side view of #2
And side of #3

Any comments would be appreciatted! I feel like it's going great so far. Notable Daily progress which makes me happy.



Active Member
Ignore the carrot. It was a rescue from my garden, a squirrel chewed off it's cotyledons and so I threw him in the box without much hope. But it appears it's decided to continue trying which is pretty swell.


Active Member

I woke up this morning to find that carl, the tallest of my plants had been badly burned on one of it's leaves and the new growth was burned as well.

I'm kind of heart broken.
My badly burned Carl. I am a horrible parent.
Side view of the terribleness.
#2 doing phenomenal growing short and growing wiiide
Ditto with #3

I guess if Carl doesn't pull through two plants is most likely better for my space anyway.

Damn you sleep.


Active Member
Carlita it is. Thanks, she seems to be doing ok. I think I got there in the nick of time. Still nice green on her new growth so she will hopefully pull through after a bit of healing.


Active Member
Carlita is recovering!

Woke up today and saw that new green had appeared over night. She's fixing herself up just fine which is great news. The other two are doing well, though I've noticed yellow spots on one of the plants and the edges of the leaves have curled in. This plant also had a bit of a run in with a lightbulb but I thought I had saved it in time.

Anyway, PHOTOS!

Some new green popping up on Carlita, I think she'll be fine!
Side view which shows the growth better.
Number two with the aforementioned yellow spots and leaf curling.
Number three, looking pretty as pie and a nice green!

Let me know what you guys think of the problem with two. If it's something I can fix I'd love to hear it.


Active Member
Update! After constant vigilance and the purchase of a hygrometer I've realised my temps are slightly high and the humidity is low so i'm working on correcting those. Hopefully it explains #2's spots.

Up first is Carlita! Recovering nicely after her encounter with the light. Lots of new growth after clipped the burned leaf off.

Aerial view of the new growth.
My off colour but still doing quite well #2
Aaaand the pride and joy as it turns out after Carlitas little disaster. I should name it. Marie. Perfect.

Group shot!


Active Member
Here we are again! So, if you've been reading you'll know that my best looking plant at the beginning was burned by my lights as well as one of my other plants. All is muuuch better now!

Carlita! Woooo look at all that green!

Another side

Aerial view!

A peak at my beastly little one

And the not so great one here

Aerial view of my biggest one, leaves are a bit wonky but still awesome!

And the smaller one but still going strong!

Grouuuup shot!

Let me know what you guys think!


Active Member
So with a day off and a real sunny one at that I decided to let them have some time in the rays and they loved it. Group shot before the sun and after.

Group shot! Carlita in the middle. Beastly one on the right and #2 over there on the left


Carlita, throwing out some surprisingly thin and pointy leaves, also a much lighter colour than the other two. Perhaps a different strain?

#2 with some big fat broad leaves, her cotelydons had a bit of a problem but the new leaves for the most part look gorgeous.

Beastly one starting to look as though it wishes it were a helicopter.

Side view of Beastly's bushy growth below.

And a side view of #2's thick little stem. Loving the way they are growing.


Group shot after the sun! I should have left them in the same position, but lets just say the plants weren't the only things baking in the nice warm sun.

