Scared my plant till turn male! HELP!

So this is my first post on rollitup. I have a two week old durban poison seedling along with 6 bag seedlings.
Yesterday i made my first mistake up to this point(1st timer), i slightly over noted my plant. Now the question here is not will it survive but this:
Do you think my plant will turn male with this stress? This is the only thing I've done to upset the little thing, but I'm worried the note burn i hit it with is going to turn it into a male. Do most plants go female??

Any help would be great thanks, this forum is my new home everybody is so nice here. I know y'all love pics so here they are.IMG_20120515_105920.jpgIMG_20120517_110342.jpg


Cannabis is a very resilient plant like you said the plant will live. However, there is no way too tell if the stress will turn it male until it shows sex. Imo it will be fine just take good care of it i have done much worse and it turned out fine. Also why are you feeding nutes at two wks I use ffof soil and feed a diluted solution at 3-4 wks.


Well-Known Member
Your plant cannot turn into male, if you have a regular seed the chance that is male is 50/50 male. If the seed is femenized the stress can cause it to hermie but not turn into a full blown male.



Active Member
I was thinking of that earlier while mowing the yard. sex is determined in the seed right. I would even go as far to say chances are better than 50/50. marijuana wants to reproduce as a species, they know that they have to produce females to pass on there genetics. they use us as much as we use them. It is a total symbiotic relationship
Hey guys this will soon be my livelihood so i will take the advice. I knew by common sense that notes on a seedling would burn so i did it really REALLY light. But i didn't find out your not supposed to at all after i was reading about it yesterday. IT JUST BUGS ME SO BAD, because i did everything perfect to a t up to this point and now she's all ugly looking:(

Thanks for the info guys, and ill +rep if u tell me how to do it lol


Well-Known Member
ya let me just outline a few common first time mistakes....overthinking is one lol its a weed just put it in some soil keep it moist (as a seedling) and let it do its thing. most peoblems i see on here are caused by the grower themselves, no nutes until you have a 6-8 inch plant and you should be repotting around this time too depending on what you first planted in..from their as soon as you use nutes use the same strength (just go with whats on the bottle) straight through veg and hit em once a week while using straight water for waterings in this for flowering too but change to flowering nutes..always use water that has sat out for two days or distilled a first timer id go with chemical nutes as well just a liiiiittle trickier with organic but if you have a green thumb either way...also noooo delayed release soil....this is just a very basic outline of how to be guaranteed not to mess up as far as nutes ofcourse as you learn from experience you can tweek things to your style and you will notice how the plant responds to what but until then just following the bottle and these instructions will save you from an over or under nute issue...also maybe check out the go box if your going organic or the technaflora starter kit for chemical and either of those are straight forward cant mess up options.


Well-Known Member
lol dont stress hahaha i remember my first i was shitting myself about every diffrent thing hahahjust chillax man theyl be cool


Well-Known Member
a light fell on one of mine.. it was in rough shape, so i was just gonna ditch it then just decided to see what itd do, it weirdly topped itself and its now a female. im on my 1st grow using cfls, took 4 bagseeds and planted them, had 2 males and still have 2 females, and i had some room in my flowering area left over since i took out the males so i have 3 12/12 from seed going in dixie cups because i saw a thread on here about it... pretty cool stuff, learned a lot from this thread :lol::leaf::lol: