Second Grow 1st journal...4 plant closet grow cfls


Well-Known Member
ill get some pics up tonight
snapped a bunch of pics...hope you enjoy :bigjoint:

Pic1: Tied this plant down a second time...the main cola was growing too high because i didnt top this one.
2&3: some her bud shots

4: My little plant, color seems to be off
5: lotta the leaves are turning to this and dying...low res phone cam, sry if its not clear
6: bud shot

7: My other lady on the left
8&9:Her top buds and what looks like heat stress?(bulb was touching for a lil while)
10&11:couple bus shots

they're awfully frosty for being only 4 weeks into flowering...cant wait another 5 weeks...i very excite! :weed:

but if anyone can help me identify the flaws on those 2 plants id greatly appreciate pretty sure the big one is just heat but the little one im not sure



Well-Known Member
lookin great man

as for the other plants, might be a lil hungry, or the pH of the water may be a lil high


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3529678]sounds good[/QUOTE]

shes the only one that smells tho...kinda weird...but she smells amazinggg :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
lol i cant so anxious >.<...i just wanna hibernate for a month and wake up to them ready for harvest lol


You should definitely try and find a way to get some kind of 50 or 100x lens or something so you can harvest at the optimal time. Already put this much effort into it, might as well get the best yield possible!


Active Member
Have you been hitting them with molasses every few waterings dude? i noticed u say they dont smell, give them a wateing or 2 at 1 tsp per gallon and watch the trichs blow up. shortly after they will start to smell nice! im scribed bro, i got a couple plants in veg that are lsted kinda like yours. should stop and check them out in my veg journal.


Well-Known Member
theyre startin to smell now but ill def get some molasses...the big one on the left is starting to smell real lemony, the little one just smells dank lol, and the big dark one with the pink pistils smells pretty sweet...cant wait to smoke em lol...thanks for stoppin by and for the advice, ill def stop by ur thread


Well-Known Member
tonight ill get some up...if i dont get too high and forget...which could be likely cuz im bout to make love to my bong :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Heres some pics...forth week since i saw sex...they look alright...could be healthier probly...last pic is where ill be starting my party cups :blsmoke:

