Shitty situation harvest early?


Active Member
Ok guys, I broke the first Rule of growing.(told some very good friends) Dont flame for it, I know it was a bad move. We arnt enemies as of now, Just not good friends anymore, but I still am paraniod as hell that someone im not friends with knows.

My little Girl is 4 weeks into flowering, Lots of buds (decent sized) and the crystals are building up daily.

If I was to wait a week, and harvest at 5 weeks. Would I at least have smokable Buds. The Trichs arent close to amber yet.


Active Member
Ok guys, I broke the first Rule of growing.(told some very good friends) Dont flame for it, I know it was a bad move. We arnt enemies as of now, Just not good friends anymore, but I still am paraniod as hell that someone im not friends with knows.

My little Girl is 4 weeks into flowering, Lots of buds (decent sized) and the crystals are building up daily.

If I was to wait a week, and harvest at 5 weeks. Would I at least have smokable Buds. The Trichs arent close to amber yet.
Can you get more lights, and try to grow it in less time?

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. Time to go make sure they dont yap their mouth... if all else fails.. fuck their girlfriends. That is all. good day!

Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member
put yourself in your friends shoes. If you knew were you friends budding plant was and there came a day when you wanted some weed, would you take buds from the plant???? I dont think they would rat you out, but they would take the buds.

I think i would...Especially if i was mad at them or they did something to loose my trust in them as a friend.

If its in a position were you think they might not find it or remember were it is then leave the plant, If its hidden decently well then i would leave it to finish.

------->fucking there girlfriends is not a good idea, atleast before the plant is finished...


Well-Known Member
Can you get more lights, and try to grow it in less time?

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. Time to go make sure they dont yap their mouth... if all else fails.. fuck their girlfriends. That is all. good day!

lol yeah fuck their girlfriends campaigne:wall:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it'll probably get you high at 5 weeks IF it was a great strain.
Obviously it'd be better if you could move it and let it go.


Well-Known Member
Don't harvest early. Let them go all the way.

This is indoor right? I doubt somebody who is not an enemy will break into your place.

Is the reason you're not good friends anymore because you did something bad to him? If this guy is a decent person I wouldn't worry. Unless he said something about stealing your plants you're probably the only person thinking about it.


Well-Known Member
I had a similar situation to this. Except, I was babysitting my friends plant when we had a falling out, so it was a really bad situation. However, I didn't touch it, I called him like five times to get it back to him, and he never responded, so then I figured my risk, my reward and I kept the plant. I know its not the same situation, but what I'm trying to say is that not everybody is a shitty person, and automatically is gonna rat you out or steal the buds. Obviously I dont know the specifics tho. I would say get better security for it, finish flowering, and be less paranoid about, but dont just let ur guard down entirely. Peace, and good luck.


Active Member
Lol, cant fuck his girl, she doesnt exist. There is no way in hell anyone could steal the plant. Just wouldnt be able to find it. And im not worried about them Ratting, they smoke more then I ever could. I think im just kinda freakin out ya know. Im probably gunna just grow it out.


Well-Known Member
If there is no way they could steal the plant and they would not rat you out then what is the problem? Am I missing something?