Short Plant Question

I have a couple plants currently veggin. Their all about 6-8 "s tall. I have about 10 weeks until I have to move out of my current living space. Is it possible and an "alright" idea to begin flowering now? If so, are there any techniques I should look into that will produce a better outcome? Also, would it be possible to let them continue in their veg state, and then plant them outdoors come April?


Well-Known Member
I would veg for another week then go 24hrs dark, 12/12 after that. in two weeks take as many clones as you want for outdoors and flower out the rest.
You will get some stash out of these girls and have starters about the right size to go outdoors.
Thanks again cruzer. Do you think 9 weeks will allow enough time for buds to properly form, and the plant to fully flower? Sorry for all the questions.


Active Member
depends if its a sativa or an indica indicas have a shorter flowering cycle than sativas typical indicas are like 7-9 weeks
Is there anything else I could do to increase bud yield? (i.e Topping plants) This is only my second grow, so any advice or techniques are greatly appreciated.