Shrivelled Buds and poorly leaves


Hi can anyone help me,
i am on my first ever grow with Easy Kush and Big Bang#2, been using a 300W cfl above and a side 125W cfl on the side. I am into the 4th week of flowering and have noticed that some of the buds on the Big Bang#2 on the lower outer stems have started to shrivel and the hairs turning brown. I know the hairs are suppose to turn brown and curl, as they did on my other plant - auto Lowryder#2 which has just been harvested!!Sweet!! but these do not look the same. It is only the top little cola site on the outer stems that has this problem, could it be too much exposure to heat or a deficiency? The top main stem looks great and the inner buds look fine. Have been using indonesian bat guano and checking the soil ph - which admittedly has been 6.5-7. They also have little or no trichomes either, i have had a fan on in the grow room, would the surrounding leaves rubbing on the buds cause this?


Active Member
Hard to tell without any pictures. Aslo include temp measurments and roomhumidity etc where the colas are. Details like is it an oscillating fan or a standstill one. Sounds a bit unusuall that theres little or no trichomes, have looked at it under a magnifying glass x10-30? What spectrum does the lamps putout? is it the 2700k or 6500k?

Edit; does the room contain a ventilation system of any kind? :eyesmoke: