SLH sprouted, then embryonic leaves fall off.

Yo all,

This morning I left for work, checking my babies, and all had sprouted, with the
embryonic leaves.

I got home today, 9 hours later and the
embryonic leaves had fallen(?) off one(maybe even a bug in the room). The stem is still nice and green.

Is it worth the lights on it, or is it just wasted time and money. I know the
embryonic leaves absorb light to feed, but is the any hope in it still growing?

I thinking about chucking it, but only have 10 of these seeds, trying to keep as many as possible.

Cheers for any insight.

sorry, forgot to mention all that

It had just sprouted, then the
embryonic leaves fell off, 3 days old from seed. No true leaves yet, I think its no good. Was hoping but.
Just imagine a sprouted seed, and cutting the top off, whats is left is a small 4 cm green stem. The first true leaves never even started yet, the seed had just popped out, drop its casing, then drop its embryonic leaves. , Dont know what happen, I thinking there must of been some bug in the room, as the break is very clean looking, and stills has a nice green stem.

As I have dedicated CFLS per plant, I just needed to know if its worth to keep it.

Should of been a bit more clear on my first post, but half expected a yes/no answer.

I think ill just get rid of it.


Well-Known Member
It's probally technically possible for it to live, ive seen a person or 2 over my time on here and elsewhere who claimed to have had a seedling survive and actually make a new head. I'm pretty skeptical about it actually happening personally, but i cant say that its not possible. That being said you might as well chuck it imo. it will end up being behind in growth a fair deal to the others even if it were to somehow happen.