Small Seeds Help!!!!

, so about a month ago i put inn a order for some seeds online from sannies , [killing fields, sugar punch,mad shack,shackzilla] and the first order i tryed to germ the seeds all germe'd but no luck wen i put them in soil , and the seeds are soo small im having trouble germing them theyre not doing good in soil they dont wanna sprout! wen i order'd from nirvana the seeds were small to i guess its because i order femail seeds i dont know? will somebody help me out n let me kno the best way to germ and grow these small seeds im in need for some help!! thank you !:wall:


Well-Known Member
Seeds are seeds as far as I know I like the baggie paper towel
method you have to have the paper just wet enough but not too
wet and keep'em warn so the bag streams up my seeds usually
sprout in 2 days this pic is at 3 days~

Picture 174.jpg


Well-Known Member
I use Volvic water with the paper towel method and never i say NEVER fail. Im not sure if this is because volvic ph is 100% good for growing but try and let me know.

(dont forget my rep)

Please see the current grow germinated with volvic
IMG_0003.jpgI have my best luck planting right into the soil, 1/4-1/2" deep, pointy end up, keep the soil temp above 72f and below 78f (74f works good). Keep the soil moist but not sopping wet, and check them every 4-5 hrs and lightly water with a syringe when needed.
I can plant some in soil and soak some in paper towels then plant them, and see the difference in size up to 3 weeks later.
The seeds seem to do best when they are soaked in the medium they will be grown in!

Day 16 on 12/12, spagnum and 40% Coco fiber, NO nutes. The two cords in the pic, one is heat cable, and the other is vaporizer maintaining 55-60% humidity.