socal first grow plz help pics


I'm growing a green crack clone in mg and its about 6 weeks into flowering and my buds aren't filling up as I expected them to. So I heard molasses helps so I added some brown sugar in my water and I wanted to know if that was a good idea. Also how long do I have till harvest


Muscle Bud

Active Member
Hard to say exactly....just watch your trichome glands (crystals) on the buds. When the majority of glands are turning from clear to foggy white its time! see pic.



Hard to tell how long, but It's weeks for sure. I'm also in SoCal, and others may disagree with this but I think it is virtually impossible to over water a potted plant here. As you know it has been way hot and dry, and I have been watering my plants at least 2 times a day and they are in 15 gal pots. You are looking good, but you may see more filling in if you water her more. I'm no expert, but it seems like my girls always like a ton of water once they are fully flowering.


Well-Known Member
man, the 2nd pic almost dosnt even look like a mj plant lol, but i agree with the cloudy/amber trichs. very nice buzzz