someone help meplz my plants are dying


New Member
This is my first time growing. My plants have been in the soil for a month now. Im not sure if it is a nutrient deficiency or imbalanced pH. I'm using foxfarm soil trio, distilled water I test the water with a pool kit(I finally ordered a horticultural pH control kit) an the pH reads 6.8-7.2 an the chlorine is 0-.5. My plants have been good so far up until a week ago. I had a gnat problem an used organic gardening garden safe Fungicide3 an its been working but idk if its a coincidence or a effect from the fungicide. I'm thinking it was the pH imbalanced and nutrient lockout. Please give me your advice for this will not be my last time growing. The plant that has upward leaves is a trainwreck its had problems from the start an it was acting up first so i clipped the affected leaves hoping it wasnt a contagious disease for my other plants to get. Thanks



New Member
Yea I need a new growing medium used mix from lowes it has moisture control so it doesn't dry up too fast i shoulda chose a good promix and I've been flushing it from nutes for 5 days now


Well-Known Member
Yea I need a new growing medium used mix from lowes it has moisture control so it doesn't dry up too fast i shoulda chose a good promix and I've been flushing it from nutes for 5 days now
gonna have the same problem in promix if you cant wait for the pots to dry up.......


New Member
I hope that it is nute lockout because of the pH i have a kit coming in tomorrow. My white widow looks like nute burn but the other's look like nute deficiency. And I do water the white widow more because it was planted 4 days before the other's and its bigger than the others