So here we go for the news of the harvest day at 64 days of flowering . There will be 2 part and the second on come later because the picture take me a lot of time and i don't have lot of time for me ...
PART 1/2 - CUT F+64
For start i will speak about the box of the mother plant..
Climat box
day: 21/26 degree // 40/60 % d'humidity
night: 20/21 degree // 40/60 % d'humidity
extract fan: 24h/24
fan: it depend when i sleep ^^
EC: 0.8 ( A&B + cannazym half the time + Rhyzotonic)
PH: 5.8
At this time all the box follow this menu and they are nice !
Sensi Skunk and the Viet
The viet
That began to be the jungle in the mother plant box, i have to make a choice, which Sour tangie il will keep in the box, at the end, on 6 female , i keep only two and the choice was very difficult !! and here the winner ( i will explain in the second part why i choose them) :
So i have 2 plant of each phenotype, i will keep one of each in the mother plant box, and the 2 other will do another flowering, to test them another time !
So during the harvest day i don't found some hermies plant or something like that , i found a little banana that come only two day before the harvest day so maybe i don't see another on this plant that split ! of course i don't keep this one ! At the moment i found only 2 seeds but not mature so i don't really understand what happens, where the fuck are theses little green ball ??
So i put the Sour Tangie in pot of 3 liter after 50 days in pot of 1.5 liter ( It's not good, but i wanted that they don't grow too fast )
The sensi skunk and the Viet' have the top of the plant cutted like the sour tangie in the beginning
I will pass 2 sour tangie under mh 400w and all of the sensi skunk and the Viet'