Spider Mites that Won't Go Away


Well-Known Member
i have a few spider mites i can see little white dots move on the webs they made i cleaned every web off and sprayed with organocide i got at home depot.3 days later had 2-3 webs again so i cleaned them off and spayed everything again mixed a little stronger then it says to and i put a little 70% alcohol in with it now i just looked again a week or so later and there back? more now then last time? i mixed it even stronger and used more alcohol this time but this stuff does not seem to work.so i just ordered Floramite. any one use this before? will it work?
I know someone who is having the exact same problem...I heard that it is a good idea to put soap and water in a spray bottle and spray under the leaves...im not sure if it works though..someone correct me if im wrong


Well-Known Member
i foliage feed and watered them with the organocide i have soil plants and hempy buckets and only the soil ones are getting mites i have never seen a mite on any of the hempy bucket plants and there all together touching ,
i wonder why ?my room is fairly humid and about 80 degree's ? i also have half a dozen lady bugs in here still, i think there helping to keep the mites from getting too outta hand.


Well-Known Member
the soap and water can't possibly work as well as the stuff made to kill mites? but they do live on the bottom of the leaves i spray them so much the plants are dripping it off
haha i use flora mite each crop they got it here in san diego in little vials, works like a boss, tho i have had spidermites for ever , i have no idea how they keep ticking, they never get on the plants and even if they do they die before they can do anything, wierd, but yeah floramite, i never found to much help on here cept neem oil and azamax, floramite was only 20 dollars at san diego hydroponics XD


Well-Known Member
alcohol didn't work for me floramite should kill them all. I used pyrethin spray and after a couple applications they were gone.I had those fuckers for a few months before they finally went away all together. I thought they were gone and the 2 weeks later they popped up. Floramite is one of the best miticides out there.
lol i gotta ladybug from dispens when i got a clone put it in my soil, lol, poor thing got swarmed by spider mites i had to rescue him and pull them off then put him on the sweet gum outside, thought it was wierd, he was like fuck you asshole get me outta here


premethrin (sp) smoke bomb, the brand name was 'mini p fortefog' works absolute wonders.
I bought mine from a hydro shop £5. they havnt come back since.
please try one you won't look back.


Well-Known Member
my flowering plants don't have mites but if they do can i use the floramite on them? thanks for the advise. i +rep you all
my flowering plants don't have mites but if they do can i use the floramite on them? thanks for the advise. i +rep you all
This is my first reply so hope this works, it takes 6 weeks for floramite to be completly flushed from the plant, if it is past week 1 in budding dont use it, if no signs should be golden, idk tho what u should do, good luck tho, floramite is really good


Well-Known Member
I use 50/50 water alcoholi in a spray bottle. just spray twice a day for 3-4 days. has worked every time.


Well-Known Member
Go to google and search for "Hot Shots No Pest Strip" Get one of those. Put it in your room for 4 days, turn off the fans and they'll all be dead! I tried ALL SORTS OF home remedies ect to kill the bastards! I'm dead serious and will never buy/use ANYTHING else for ANY pest ever again! The "Hot Shots No Pest Strip" worked wonders and I spent less than 8 bucks on it at home-de-pot. I will recomend this product untill the day I die!


Well-Known Member
i bet that smoke bomb works great but i really only have a dozen or so small webs total i can't believe i can't get rid of them.. i got rid of my buddies but he only has 4 plants so i washed them in the shower and put a fan blowing right on them i never had mites again and that was 3 weeks ago right before i stated getting mine i bet i brought them here from his house?


Well-Known Member
I use the hotshot spray all over the house. It might have helped along with the 50/50 mix. I got some of those strips but never used them. Don't remember why. but didn't even want to put them anywhere close to my dogs.


Well-Known Member
well i hope i don't have to make the call, they are my first grow i have 6 bag seed flowering that are fem. and they have never had mites so i hope they never do.my veg clones are the prob.


Well-Known Member
thanks i will try the strips before i spray the floramite i don't really want to spray chemicals on my babies.i +rep you both


Well-Known Member

I don't know where you're growing at, but where I live spider mites are a common garden pest, so getting rid of them completely is nearly impossible unless you turn your grow room into something like a laboratory clean room. The little buggers can ride your shoes, clothing, skin, etc from outdoors into the house or room everytime you go outside.

Mites are sort of like cockroaches- No matter how many you kill you always miss one or two, and they can replace themselves very quickly, so don't be surprised if you can't get rid of them permanently. Just be proactive about treating for them so that they don't get much of a chance at the plants, then clean and disinfect everything thoroughly between grows- You might not get them all, but the farther you can knock them back the better. Btw, if you haven't tried Azitrol you might want to consider it before you start with bug bombs.


Well-Known Member
I've had success with the hotshot no pest strips - you do need to keep ventilation off (or minimal) though.
One important thing to consider when using neem, pyrethrum, organocide, etc. is that these things don't kill eggs - just adults. So, you'll think you've done the job, and a week later they're back. Whatever you do, do it EVERY three days, and do that at least four times. The last time I got them, I got rid of them with nothing more than neem - every 3 days, and I repeated it 5 times. Totally cleared them out. There's more powerful stuff (more toxic) than neem for sure... so the point is, it's HOW you treat them, not what you treat them with.


Release the ladybugs!!!! You can sit and watch the ladybugs eat um up. It's great! You can also kinda hear a crunching sound too(just kidding hee hee).


Well-Known Member
I've had success with the hotshot no pest strips - you do need to keep ventilation off (or minimal) though.
One important thing to consider when using neem, pyrethrum, organocide, etc. is that these things don't kill eggs - just adults. So, you'll think you've done the job, and a week later they're back. Whatever you do, do it EVERY three days, and do that at least four times. The last time I got them, I got rid of them with nothing more than neem - every 3 days, and I repeated it 5 times. Totally cleared them out. There's more powerful stuff (more toxic) than neem for sure... so the point is, it's HOW you treat them, not what you treat them with.
Wen you use neem do you need to wash it off at some point?