Spider mites???

Hey guys im growing 4 plants that are looking nice and in day 26 of flower. Just before the lights went off today i checked the soil of one of them and it had tons of tiny little light brown bugs on it, they're so small i cant even get a picture with my good camera. Ive just started giving them gnat-off for a fungus gnat problem so it might be making them come to the surface..whatever they are. Here's a nice bud pic to encourage a response :P



Well-Known Member
A quick kill for little bugs like this if you want to stay away from chemicals bought at the store is nicotine tea. This is effective and safe to use on your plants right up until a couple of days before harvest.
take 3 cigs or about a third of a cigar and steep in hot water, not boiling but hot water allow to cool, strain the fluid, it should be the color of strong iced tea. Add a few drops of dishwashing soap (Ivory is the best as it is 99.9% pure). Put this in your mister and spray throughly.
You can reapply some say everyday but I have found over the years one application will work for about anything but catapillars, these guys can take a few applications. Good Luck and a routine of using this once a week will keep the insects away from your girls.


Active Member
another effective way to fry them is a 2-1 mix of rubbing alchohal to water in a spray bottle--mist areas effected good but not the buds--spray on lower leaves stem and soil it evaporates quick----and kills mites--repeat process at least twice in a week or so-to make sure you get eggs and all them suckers.....gnats use sand !!!!


Active Member
doubt its mites on the soil they eat the leaves and its my understanding u cant see em without a microscope

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Spider mites can be clearly seen with the naked eye moving along stems and on the underside of fan leaves.
Thanks for all the replies guys. I like the idea of tobacco spray but my worry is that cigarettes contain a lot more chemicals that might be bad for the plants..maybe rolling tobacco is better?

Id say my plants have about 5-6 weeks left and they're BIG. The biggest being probably 7 foot. Im noticing some spotty damage on the lower leaves..as long as i keep the mite numbers under control will the plants be ok considering their size?