spider mites??


Well-Known Member
oh, bullshit. Can't believe some of you chemical wussies. :roll:

When you get around to reapplying azahellokitty the third time because there's still mites in there, I MIGHT let you have some of the Avid I have stockpiled. ;)

lol! if i keep getting mites i will consider avid or floramite...


Well-Known Member
oh, bullshit. Can't believe some of you chemical wussies. :roll:

When you get around to reapplying azahellokitty the third time because there's still mites in there, I MIGHT let you have some of the Avid I have stockpiled. ;)
LMAO Al, you're a trip!

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Ladybugs are great for controlling some pests. However, you can't use any insecticides or sticky traps for gnats with them and I don't think they're gnat eaters.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
I appreciate anyone trying to solve grow op problems with biological controls, but you can see how it gets complex. Since I'm a stoned slacker and really only want one organism in my op, I tend to murder anything that's not a cannabis plant.


Active Member
i just let the ladybugs do it for me.

i use a bug control sticky thing, some ladybugs go for it but theyre so cheap it doesnt matter. kind of a natural selection thing, too. plenty of them die from landing on the hps anyway....


Well-Known Member
I had to write something, this thread is hillarious.

I've done everything mentioned, and here are my takes:

Ladybugs are cool if you want to go COMPLETELY natural, but, they get into everything, burn up inside your hoods, stick in the carbon filter, plus they are totally having sex all over your plants. I tried them once, and never again.

Avid is industrial strength, used on outdoor farms.

Neem and it's variations, me like.

This is what I do.

I don't want Avid on my plants but it is freaking radical at what it does, so I spray down the whole house, everything,every room, before I start the grow, and follow up every 6 months.

In the grow room, I spray Einstein Oil (it's neem with other shit) right before flowering on everything in the grow room, plants, hoods, floors, walls, everything. I haven't had a problem since i've been doing this.

I've been meaning to check out azatrol, something to replace Avid, that stuff will make babies have more than 2 eyes, ears, arms, legs or something.


Well-Known Member
About six years ago, I used this stuff, I can't think of the name, it started with a K, but it was worse than Avid, I think they pulled it off the market.

The best pesticides are the most dangerous/hazardous ones. But who wants to eat or smoke them, that's why you should grow your own.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
While I'm not a fan of the stuff, Kelthane is not banned, neither is it radioactive.
Kelthane Miticide Mite Killer

For the control of Mites and Red Spider in some fruit and vegetables in th home garden.
David Grays products can be bought at most retail and hardware outlets including:

Commercial Orders and enquiries are welcomed to fax (08) 9331 0222, or emailed at tradecentre@davidgray.com.au
Available for Pick up or delivery from:
David Grays in O'Connor, Perth WA, Ph:(08) 9337 4933
Jade Chemicals in Regency Park, Adelaide , South Australia Ph: (08) 8243 1444.
See the MSDS for toxicology information. You'd never find anything even remotely radioactive ever approved for sale in Australia aside from smoke detectors, and even they have less than background radiation levels.

I crack wise about the lethality of Avid. While it IS an effective miticide, unlike Kelthane and other older insecticides like DDT which can accumulate in tissues of fish and other wildlife, abamectin is a short acting insecticide which is non-toxic after 14 days.


Well-Known Member
This is what I do.

I don't want Avid on my plants but it is freaking radical at what it does, so I spray down the whole house, everything,every room, before I start the grow, and follow up every 6 months.

In the grow room, I spray Einstein Oil (it's neem with other shit) right before flowering on everything in the grow room, plants, hoods, floors, walls, everything. I haven't had a problem since i've been doing this.
so you spray the room every 6 months with avid? do you isolate/remove the plants before you do this? just wondering because i may try this, thanks!


Well-Known Member
Well every six months means after two harvests, so whatever works in time range of two harvests... I prep by a thick coating of neem on all surfaces in the grow room, like six coats or more... Before each flowering.


Well-Known Member
Al B- I know your facts are straight, I was simply exaggerating that it smells like burning rubber and death and has skulls and crossbones on it.


Active Member
and who was the ass fuck on this thread that said avid was safe for humans "lol" oh yeah it was GOOSEMOTHER!!!fucking numb nut kiss-ass
i use azatrol and so far i love it. i am scared of avid because my buddy gave me some (i hear its illegal in california, but cannot confirm) and told me how i should be careful because his uncle got enphezema and skin cancer from it. he then handed me a full chemical suit and told me to be careful, lol. needless to say, i still have not used that avid he gave me...