Stalk rot/fungus???? Help! Pics included

Hey guys, one of the stalks on my flowering plants has some sort of rot in it. Its been getting worse so i need to do something or it might spread to other parts of the plant.

This is a pic from about a week ago


I looked this morning and the little branch coming out of the rotting part was dying so i removed it...the rot has spread further through the stalk :(

Here's pics from this morning


I sprayed some biobizz anti fungal foliar feed (leafcoat) on it this morning so that help. Do you guys think i should chop the branch??


Active Member
once u took measures quick let it go and monitor it really close , try to examine the inner of the buds , if u see more rot coming here and there yes throw it away , keep an eye on the rest of the crop also !

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Have you tried treating this area with hydrogen peroxide multiple times throughout the day? If not, try this and see if the problem ceases or persists. If it begins spreading too much, an amputation will be in order.