Storage of Cannabis Buds

Jumpin Jack Flash

New Member
Okay, I know this subject has been discussed many times before, but I still haven't found what I consider to be a definative answer, so here goes. Some say that you should never store your buds in plastic containers because somehow the plastic, unllike glass, will draw out thc, which will result in your weed being less potent. Others say that it's all a myth, and that as long as your container is airtight, plastic is just as good as glass. So which is it? Please give substantial evidence, and not just your opinion, to support your belief, whatever it may be. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Glass mason jars fpr long term. Better seal allows nothing in or out. Keeps curin it as its stored. Your bud will dry being stored in plastic from my experience.


Jumpin Jack Flash

New Member
Did I stump you, Dan, or am I just too impatient waiting for another reply, or maybe you've just left, never to return to this post. Whatever the case, your answer was not satisfactory, but thanks for trying.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so how do you really know as a fact that the airtight seals on plastic jars don't work as well as those on the glass jars?
Its all about the tightness of the seal, if it has a gasket and can be cranked down like metal on glass.
Plastic can't get as tight, maybe a drink thermos or a hot soup thermos, (different shapes) would do but glass is the best.
look into Boveda 62% packets!


Well-Known Member
You should not flame someone for advice when you ask a "blanket" question like you know nothin.
you should apologize to Dannoo.


Well-Known Member
They control the environment in the container.
I figured if you were askin such a dumb question I would try and be helpful.
bye bye
Im out!

Jumpin Jack Flash

New Member
Sorry, I got you so upset, Dogenzengi, it was not my intention to put down Dannoo. When I first made the post, I asked for any replys to be be backed up with evidence. I just told him that his answer was not satisfactory, asked him to explain further, and I also thanked him for his reply. I think you're being a little too sensitive, dude. I really don't think I was being rude like you just were to me when you said my question was stupid, but if I offended you in any way, Dannoo, I am sorry.

Okay, I told Dannoo I was sorry, so where's my apology from you for being rude when you called my question dumb and stupid. Oh, that's right, you said you're out, so I guess we won't be hearing from you again, HYPOCRITE.


Well-Known Member
why not go to the section that talks about Harvesting and curing ? Don't forget , you are asking a question to a bunch of stoners ..... not a bunch of scientists.


Well-Known Member
just store it in whatever you want. your going to do it anyway. you can vacuum seal it in bags and it will be fine because theres no air coming in or out of the bag then then put it in whatever you want. glass jars work, plastic does also. if i had to store something in plastic and bury it i would be afraid of it getting wet more than glass though.


Well-Known Member
i like glass. its pretty.
they have been selling those blue colored ball jars lately i like those. i been looking up on how to dye your own jars different colors with food coloring and stuff. im going to try that so i can pick up jars by color and know what strain it is.


Well-Known Member
I get mine from hobby lobby
Glass on glass, clamps, screw on etc and in all colors of the all sizes down to gram-1/8
Bit more expensive I think though