Storage of Cannabis Buds


Well-Known Member
Jeeze with an attitude like op's my advice would be stick the buds up your ass and leave them for a week pull em out and smoke em and you'll have some real good shit for the science behind it. Watch how grandma made jam. She didnt use plastic now did she lol.


Well-Known Member
I have run out of glass jars before and started to use old plastic butter containers . I forgot about one container and recently found it in the back of my cabinet. Been there for about a year. No mold and very potent. Now I don't have any scientific proof about this but I do have a plastic tub with 2 ozs of some outstanding FLO that my friends and wife are crazy about. I'm not a user, just a grower.


Well-Known Member
lol plastic absorbing the THC and making the bud less potent....leave it up to stoners to think of it all..

plastic eats your weed night i had 24g's in the plastic container and woke up and there was only 18g's left....never again will i store my bud in a plastic container.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
I have found that plant material seems to stick to plastic more so than glass. and plastic can absorb the scent
Dr. Jekyll

Only an idiot would use a plastic container, glass or ceramic containers are clearly the better choice.
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
Did I stump you, Dan, or am I just too impatient waiting for another reply, or maybe you've just left, never to return to this post. Whatever the case, your answer was not satisfactory, but thanks for trying.
You come across as a genuine prick. I'm sure this is not the first time you have heard this. I imagine your mother informed you.
Wow op is quite the asshole.:cuss::finger:

for people who might want a good answer to this, use glass or very clean metals only for curing, like those tins that they sell with the boveda packs.
do not use paper bags, cardboard, or plastic, as these materials will have a chemical interaction with the terpenes (essential oils, aka "crystals") and negatively impact the taste and quality of your buds. It's unbelievably easy to find the evidence that backs this up and since I'm a stoner and i already know this I'm not gonna look it up to cite it for you. Now you know, go look it up.;-)
as far as the boveda packs, they regulate humidity in your container, regardless of what type of container. I just ordered some 62% ones for my older dry buds.
take my word for it or look it up, but please do cure in glass mason jars if you don't want to invest in the boveda counterpart. Plastic will leech and possibly even add impurities and chemicals, and paper will just make your weed dry as fuck and smell like hay.:wall:
by the way, putting water drops on the lid of my jars rehydrated excellently. I've also used celery, not fond of orange peel. I think the acidity has a negative effect, but carrot has worked quite well in the past.:bigjoint:

peace, and remember - if you're a dick in the forums you're probably gonna get it back in a bad way in real life. It's karma dude, don't fuck with the weed gods and their harmonious stoner community lol:leaf::leaf::lol: