Struggling to know what I’m doing wrong

I’m just looking for help, thought I’d give growing a go.

2) Growing indoor or outdoors

3) Watering schedule
I spend a lot of time in the same room so I keep an eye on the soil and when I see it going dry I dip my finger down to the first knuckle before watering again

4) Growing Medium
not sure what this is

5) What stage of growth
First stage after germination
Basically the main issue is you can see the left plant’s leaves are shrivelling up. Not sure what’s causing that as the soil is always kept moist.
Your medium looks too wet.

you need more light

you need to fill the pot up to the top

one plant per pot

just some to get you going
Get a good light before you try again. Nothing else will make any difference and you'll get those results until you start with a decent light at the correct distance. Then start in a smaller container and don't over water. Over watering is one of the most common beginner grower errors.
Oh boy.. you got a lot of bad things going on.

2 plants 1 pot...bad idea.

Your lights are awful. Those things are so stretched.

You need to let the soil dry out. It should not be possible to have a watering schedule on a plant that looks 4 days old.

Those plants look like 5 or 6 days old...but I assume they are over a week?
Would I be able to recover them by transferring to a smaller pot for each? The light was a recent purchase that arrived yesterday so I think that will help going forward on a new grow.
Would you recommend starting again really?
They are a week old.
What’s the best distance for the light or is it a light per light basis?
Hard to say without specs of the light. Should be about 24 inches above the plant. If you see them stretching like yours the light is too far away and/or too weak. Looking at photos on the forum of healthy seedling should show you generally what you want to achieve. A simple single CFL bulb will produce much better results than your light has with a seedling.
Not worth trying to save those. New seedlings would grow faster than it would take those to recover. And doubtful they can be saved anyway.
How do you have no idea what medium youre growing in? is that dirt from outside?

If you really wanna try and keep this grow going, kill the funny looking one on the left, and (carefully) bury the decent one almost to the leaves. Then id give it a day or 2 before you give any more water. Then again, if you dont have a better light come flower time this will all be a waste of time lol.
Start new seeds in a plastic/paper cup
Only fill cup 1/4 of the way with soil
Add soil as the sprouts stretch till the foliage is large enough to stop the stretching
Is it an actual 100w? I thought I saw the draw was only 20W
I stand corrected. The manufacturer site is so bad it does not find that model when you search it. When I dug down into the site I found you are correct, 20 watts.

Sorry OP but that thing has little to no use in a grow space.