Suggestions on achieving weight for med patients?


Active Member
Hello to all and I'm sure this has been asked...but hey here we go again...anyways, 6 of us medical patients chipped in and set up a medical grow, and are looking for possible suggestions on achieving certain weights allowable per patient, currently for us its at 8z per.
We have 2 rooms both 6.5'Wx7'Hx12'W, room 1 setup with 4 air cooled 6" 1000w switchables (we have both hps and metal halide bulbs set to go), large blower/squirrel cage fan set for exhaust,smaller same fans for intake as well, and room 2 is sealed and has 4 adjust-a-wings 1000w hps/metal halide bulbs,CAP Enviro. controller & CO2 meter, 12k BTU older a/c,Hydrogen CO2 burner, and both have dehum's, oscillating fans,& flat white walls.
So we have clones we can run Grape Ape, Bubba Kush, Blue Dream, 91 Chem , Deadhead OG, Mendo AfGoo, & Purple Kush. We will start narrowing down, and do know that these are good legit strains and have seen all end results from clones collected off the same moms.We are dedicated to soil and as organic as possible, teas would be ideal, but not sure for this environment, considering the organic nute lines out currently.We have on hand currently from large purchase for the veggie farm, bags of Happy Frog, and we'll use it till its gone and can get our own soil mixes running on the farm.
So all this gibberish and my main question...can and how is a good way to achieve 2 -4 z per plant with my current set up & supplies?
32 plant count , soil, 4 1k's, co2 enrichment....spaced 8 under each light....2gal pots?3g?bigger? LST? Topping/pinching/FIM? Scrog?Veg for 2 weeks from clone or longer?, we figured at least 2 to get a foot plus ,considering the particuar strains stretch during flower as well.
We just want to make sure we can achieve these weights to help us get the best out of our med grow, and more is always better but were not trying to be greedy at all, just some patients sick of paying too much when we should grow it ourselves with a little help from our friends...RIU friends:joint::joint::joint:...anyways thank anyone who has some suggestions or just want to chill, hell talk smack I dont care anymore...peace people!!!


Active Member
if your committed to organics and it is your first time check out subs soil thread. it is simple and has good results just add water. It sounds like you are on the right track. The key to yield in a med state is timing. Be sure that you cut clones for the next round as your flushing your flower room. I personally start the flower in the veg room for a week so that the light intensity is lower and i crop a week earlier. Then i move them into the flower room after half of the stretch is done. Also i would reccomend scrog. it is a bit more labor intensive but the yeilds are worth it. Good luck and grow it up!

P.s. if you wern't dedicated to soil i would say look up double ds flood and drain setup. 4.4 lbs per plant (12,000 watts and only 10 plants). Just sayin..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What kind of turn around on those weights do you want? I mean you could simply grow 12 plants and easily reach your 8oz per patient limit, but if you would then smoke this 8oz in 1 month, you'd have nothing left until the next crop, so are you wishing to have a perpetual grow etc?


Active Member
We dont have the funds to be building and starting a DD tree grow, $15/25k to start, then $5k a month expenses, no thanks now a monthly perpetual is an idea , as we have all the available rooms, as we do have a veg room available as well to sustain 2 rooms flipped for a monthly harvest, but again right now, just figuring and getting ideas/suggestions on setups...Subs soil beds are awesome and I will sit down with everyone and discuss, all of us could easily build up some beds and well we already have a soil mix to get started, just not the mix he has going, and love the idea of no additives unless completely necessary.
I appreciate the comments , please keep them coming, we all have knowledge to a certain degree, and have all had very successful harvests in the past, me being the most recent, sorry no pics handy, maybe later I can get my dino computer to download some!!!

I really do like DD's set up, but wonder can smaller weight(DD's avg. 4lb, we only want to see 1/2 or 1lb trees respectively) be achieved without the hydro, and done strictly in soil, say with 20+ gallon or more smart pots, vertical open bulbs,1 to 2 month veg times, proper training to achieve max light penetration , and the so on????? After achieving our goal, we will then look more into a smaller but larger yielding system, but for now we have decided on 32 or smaller plant counts in the bloom room.
Anyways trial and error is what will provide us the real true answers, we just want to avoid as many hassles as possible, and try to create and get an end result better than the local dispensary "Top Shelf Grade AAA"!!!!!
Kudos and appreciation to all that respond, thanks again!!!!