Take clones from a flowering plant?


Well-Known Member
Is it ok to make clones from a plant already in bloom?

Or when is the best time to clone if you dont have a mother and dont have space to keep one?



99% of growers take their cuttings from plants in their veg state. You can take those cuttings anytime during the plants veg cycle but you want to wait until there is enough growth on the plant. You can take clones from a plant in bloom; however, you have to force your cuttings back into a vegetative cycle which can sometimes take weeks and stresses the plant. Take a look around the forums and looks for a thread on Monster Cropping. You'll see how some growers have had success with cloning flowering plants.



Active Member
It's ok to take cuttings from a flowering plant. You would just have to revert it back to the veg stage maybe a 20/4 or 24hr light schedule. I've read you can/should remove the bud sites so it can focus on rooting also. That part is theory to me as I haven't tried it yet.

Concerning cloning with no mother plant: you can take cuttings from a donor maybe a week before flipping her to bloom cycle so she can recoop from any stress. Then let your clones grow big and right before you flower those, take cuttings and repeat the process.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for the replies. The reason I ask is because my plants already have white hairs on them and I was thinking it would be too late to clone.