The Justice of Jesus Christ



i dont need god to be a good person =/

i do get really offended when people dont accept my belief that i dont need anyone to tell me how to live my life

so if you can respect my belief's

i can respect yours


Active Member
Prophecy- Your going to save noone real fast posting zealous comments on a weed smokers website. You wanna save some souls go out and start with the people around you.(mother, father, sister, brother, cousin, friends) I can guarantee you won't have to look far. When you've successfully saved them, then you can move on to greener pastures like homeless shelters and orphanages, where instead of just words you can act on that faith and love your parading around, you can volenteer your time get to know some people intimately, and over time(not to scare you away but it may take some time...maybe even a long time) they may begin to trust you enough to listen to your opinion on faith. To be honest people like you do more damage to the christian faith than you do helping it. The bible( i'm hopng you've read more than just the parts everyone likes) says not to go door to door why..? It doesn't work.
As for who's going to hell I think any man that thinks he knows this answer is surely a FOOL. Only God himself know a man's heart, and again you may have read this all sins can be washed clean with the blood of christ.
I believe heaven will be full.
Yes, all of us are less than perfect, but that is how we were created, to belive that a greater being whom created us so would condemn us to an eternity in hell for being what he made is well retarded.
All men and women will be given the chance to repent in the end, and do you think that when faced with thier maker in the end most of us are going to tell God to screw off. I think quite the contrary, most people when faced with god and jesus in the end will fall to thier knees and accept his love.
So here's the part you will really hate, some of the people that you think should be going to hell most likely will be right next to you in heaven.(considering you make it)
What will having faith in Jesus right now get you peace, patience, and a one way ticket out of here before the shit hits the fan.( the rapture)
Me.... I'm going to smoke a joint, relax, and enjoy this beautiful planet god gave us. peace.


Well-Known Member
More wars have been fought in the name of religion than any other subject matter in the history of humankind,Christianity has one of the most violent history's in the world ,Think back to the crusaders...theres a prime example of christian zealotism in the name of benevolence.Just remember the bible is made by man so it has been altered time and time again and would derive from gods original detail if such detail were ever divulged to man.


Well-Known Member
We probably read the bible and other books I consider better. I will Not Put mine on you. But I do not go for all that gobldy goop...I believe in Jesus Buddha Santa and on a pro tem basis Sponge Bob. I doubt me and you believe in the same Jesus.IMO

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Excuse me?I don't see where I dodged your question at all.Your response says to me you have your own issues with intolerance toward other religions...calling Jehovah's Witnesses a cult simply because they don't view god or Jesus in exactly the same way as you do shows you yourself have some religious bigotry in you.Just because I was raised as Witness doesn't mean I haven't been around plenty of other branches of Christianity.Jesus is fiction.Pure and simple.I haven't chosen "Vengeance", and quite frankly, you have no idea what I'm thinking, so please don't put words in my mouth or ascribe motives to me that I don't have.I said plenty of prayers to Jesus and god when I was too young and brainwashed to know better.Put simply for you, my friend,ALL religion is a cult.Brainwashing, conformist bull.Why is it that when Christians are actually challenged, they try to become martyrs?"oh, but you're picking on us.." No, I'm challenging your ideas.Christians certainly have no problem attacking homosexuals,and others who don't ascribe to their belief system, but boy, if you say anything back, you're picking on them!Too bad!A victim is someone who won't fight back, and I am hardly that.Free will is where it's at.Science is where it's at.Intelligent thought is where it's at.:peace:
Ms. McFried, being raised Jehovahs Witness is being raised in a cult, NOT Christian. So... don't dodge my challenge, if words are only words to you, then saying a little prayer out loud to yourself should not be a problem for you. Since saying those most POWERFUL words may actually change your mind, you harden your heart to my challenge and forfeit the challenge... I had hope, but like many you are scared to face the truth. Thats ok. Where did I defend Prophecy? As I said if Prophecy will not answer your questions he is probably a spambot that got in here some how. I believe you can make a complaint to the staff and they can take proper steps to remove him/her/it? Or you could take your own advice and place Prophecy on your ignore list, but you chose vengeance instead. This shows to me that your self view is that of a victim who wants to blame everyone else for your station and not take any responsiblity for yourself. Which by the way is a great attitude for a politician, Lord knows you can dodge questions. Still love you. I would not want you to become achristian, pro Christian is where it is at, I leave your brilliant mind to discover the difference.:weed:

We Love 1

New Member
Mr. McFried, I am curious as to why you would come on to a thread that you have implied you have no intrest in what so ever. See Prophecy did not even come to your personal residence and knock on your door, you came to his thread and by the title it is not like you did not know what was going to be discussed. You came on to this thread not knowing crap about the subject as you, plainly admit by your comments, just to be NEGATIVE. Why?:weed:
Its because she is of the world. If your not of God than your of the evil world.

Shes apparently not a Christian!

You can tell by their fruits.



Well-Known Member
Its because she is of the world. If your not of God than your of the evil world.

Shes apparently not a Christian!

You can tell by their fruits.

That was some pretty arrogant and condescending shit bro! This is why all you moral crusaders are hippocrites! :finger: :finger:
And Islamic people think you should die because you do not believe in their God!

Guess what I have to say to your God? Yep Fuck You~


Well-Known Member
Excuse me?I don't see where I dodged your question at all.Your response says to me you have your own issues with intolerance toward other religions...calling Jehovah's Witnesses a cult simply because they don't view god or Jesus in exactly the same way as you do shows you yourself have some religious bigotry in you.Just because I was raised as Witness doesn't mean I haven't been around plenty of other branches of Christianity.Jesus is fiction.Pure and simple.I haven't chosen "Vengeance", and quite frankly, you have no idea what I'm thinking, so please don't put words in my mouth or ascribe motives to me that I don't have.I said plenty of prayers to Jesus and god when I was too young and brainwashed to know better.Put simply for you, my friend,ALL religion is a cult.Brainwashing, conformist bull.Why is it that when Christians are actually challenged, they try to become martyrs?"oh, but you're picking on us.." No, I'm challenging your ideas.Christians certainly have no problem attacking homosexuals,and others who don't ascribe to their belief system, but boy, if you say anything back, you're picking on them!Too bad!A victim is someone who won't fight back, and I am hardly that.Free will is where it's at.Science is where it's at.Intelligent thought is where it's at.:peace:
You are excused. You are correct, I do not know you from Jack, I did assume and made an ass of both of us. Although you also make wrong assumptions of me, I will not stop you from believing what ever you want. God gave us both freewill and the choice to believe or not. However, as far as me being a bigot, SORRY!!! My step daughter is a lesbian, I love her with all my heart, and her girlfriend, they bring to me Love and respect, because I show them the same. I lived 3 years of my life with a gay man, the only gay black man in a small town, we still keep in touch. We lived in a house with a lesbian couple and my girlfriend at the time. No, I have not done everything RIGHT in my life and I will continue to mess up, I am Human after all. Thinking that I think I am superior to you is not using your pension for intelligent thought, which is nothing without wisdom. I being of wise ass, am ready to concede, you be you and I'll be me, and hope we will be hugging in heaven. Hanging on to my pearls and shaking the dust from cyber space... I bid you good day. Love you Bye, and good luck.


Active Member
this guy called prophecy is a lunatic. look at what it says on his site... the biggest load of drivell i have ever heard. if you hand money over to this freak you probably deserve to burn in hell along with "generation x" hahahahaha

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Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Meh.It's time for your "god" to be gone from this world.It's time for reason to reign.
Its because she is of the world. If your not of God than your of the evil world.

Shes apparently not a Christian!

You can tell by their fruits.

Exactly.I think that anyone who places their fate in the hands of an invisible man in the sky is someone who is unwilling to accept responsibility for their actions.
That was some pretty arrogant and condescending shit bro! This is why all you moral crusaders are hippocrites! :finger: :finger:
And Islamic people think you should die because you do not believe in their God!

Guess what I have to say to your God? Yep Fuck You~
I didn't mean gays.I meant your comments regarding Jehovah's Witnesses.It's that "My religion is better than that religion" attitude that is so prevalent amongst so many Christians.Why?Because you believe Jesus died on a cross and they believe it was a wooden stake?Because they believe 144,00 get heaven, and the rest get eternity on earth?It's just semantics.Every denomination is a cult.And I don't see where I've demonstrated anything other than intelligent
You are excused. You are correct, I do not know you from Jack, I did assume and made an ass of both of us. Although you also make wrong assumptions of me, I will not stop you from believing what ever you want. God gave us both freewill and the choice to believe or not. However, as far as me being a bigot, SORRY!!! My step daughter is a lesbian, I love her with all my heart, and her girlfriend, they bring to me Love and respect, because I show them the same. I lived 3 years of my life with a gay man, the only gay black man in a small town, we still keep in touch. We lived in a house with a lesbian couple and my girlfriend at the time. No, I have not done everything RIGHT in my life and I will continue to mess up, I am Human after all. Thinking that I think I am superior to you is not using your pension for intelligent thought, which is nothing without wisdom. I being of wise ass, am ready to concede, you be you and I'll be me, and hope we will be hugging in heaven. Hanging on to my pearls and shaking the dust from cyber space... I bid you good day. Love you Bye, and good luck.


Well-Known Member
Its because she is of the world. If your not of God than your of the evil world.

Shes apparently not a Christian!

You can tell by their fruits.

by their fruits lmao. I got your fruits right here buddy ;). HAy have you told prophecy you think youre jesus yet, I would love to see how he responds to that. IM guessing hed take it as blasphemy, and that you are going to hell.


Active Member
The idea of some exterior divine force pulling the strings of life contradicts with the idea of free will. The only way the two ideas can be combined into one belief structure is if this reality were based on a linear timeline. Stating time is linear is foolish, and a bit selfish, because how we judge time is based on they way we interperet reality. With free will, under the circumstance that there were a god, even it would have no control. No control means no authority. no authority means no judge of right and wrong. this is what people are truly afraid of..they cannot judge for themselves what is right and wrong, so they rely on someone else to do it for them...on the inside, no one is afraid of hell..theyre afraid of the "frightening, terrifying, fact that we do not know who we are, where we came from, or where we're going in this ocean of chaos".


Active Member
oh for fucks sake.... what age are you? 15? theres no way youre a stoner! why speak in such a way? because the bible is written like that? wheres your brain?

God can Turn Blind Faith into Divine Reality; God can Turn Mountains into Mowhills, if You Obey Him.

If You remain faithful to God’s Principle(s), that is the commands He reveal with your heart, then He will turn those mountains into mowhills in due season.

Corruption (and Blasphemes) is not the Path into ‘the Promise Land / Heaven (on Earth)’.

Again, but reworded, if you obey what thus says the Lord in the form of seeking His Truth and allowing it to wash, reveal and guide you into your original destiny, that is your “true role, your true calling, your true purpose in this life then He will not fail in keeping His promise that He made to us however many generations ago when He promised ‘Joshua’s generation’the Promise Land, the New Jerusalem. Corruption is not the path to the Promise Land.

Do not be limited by the world’s standards or tradition where God is making everything new and fulfilling where things have fallen short.

“I did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it’. Matthew Chapter 5 v. 17 – 20

The Narrow and the Wide Gates

Matthew Chapter 7 v. 13 – 13

‘Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

The Justice of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 22 v. 12 – 16

“Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done.

v.13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

…Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and go through the gates into the [great] city.

v.15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolater and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

I Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David and the bright Morning Star.”

P.s. Do not grow weary of doing what is right; and do not be limited by the world's concept of time in doing what is right; for to God a thousand years is like a day and a day is like a thousand years.

Love God;
Be Faithful to (the God of Heaven and of) Your Heart.,
Homage your love ones to God
Mark Daniels
Detroit, Mi