The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
hope all are sitting down to handle the shock lmao but ive got a fucking job start next week full time, just min wage shite but at least it aint mc'ds n i dont have to keep going to these poxy fucking job clubs n what not that the dole send me on, is handy aswel starting next week means i can still sign on 2mora lol

wanted to get another G to celebrate but the missus said no lol tbh was just a excuse to get a G aint feeling too celebratory its not much more £££ than i get for sitting on me arse all day but hayho its a start, aint worked in 10yrs.


Well-Known Member
me neither gboy, first interview ive had in 10yr n i got it fuck they must be desperate lmao

doing it more for the kids tbh n to try to curb me drinking than for the shitty money.
Still mate fair play u must have said summit right to get the job, and its always gd to work when u got kids, lead by example and all that jazz, , but most importantly it gives u a break from the kids as well lol


Well-Known Member
Still mate fair play u must have said summit right to get the job, and its always gd to work when u got kids, lead by example and all that jazz, , but most importantly it gives u a break from the kids as well lol
yeah thats it mate, they are getting older now n aint gonna be long till they realise that dads aint spose to sit in front of the comp all day going out now n then n coming back stinking of green lolol


Well-Known Member
hope all are sitting down to handle the shock lmao but ive got a fucking job start next week full time, just min wage shite but at least it aint mc'ds n i dont have to keep going to these poxy fucking job clubs n what not that the dole send me on, is handy aswel starting next week means i can still sign on 2mora lol

wanted to get another G to celebrate but the missus said no lol tbh was just a excuse to get a G aint feeling too celebratory its not much more £££ than i get for sitting on me arse all day but hayho its a start, aint worked in 10yrs.
Congrats mate


Well-Known Member
Evening all, got a bit bored in the house today so got me mate to lend me this for an afternoon riding about
only a CB125Fcc but nice to get out on a bike again after so many years in cars,vans n lorries, must be best part of 10years since I last had a bike so was nice to get out for the day on one. It has however made me long for a bike again so as soon as debt paid off im gonna pay out n do my bike n HGV licences, miss doing the double ton past 70mph traffic lol

Also for anyone thats interested, here is the Gringo cutting I got that will be getting passed out when its ready, when it came to me it was 1" tall so has taken a while to root n start growing, as soon as its big enough you will all know about it lol IMAG1228_cleaned.jpg
Only just noticed from this pic its kept the double serration the Exo has lol


Well-Known Member
Get that little bitch supercharged i can't wait to get a sniff of that mate......well WiFi got cut off last night sonoaid the bill this morning and still no WiFi its doing my fucking nut in you pay for a service and don't get the cunt......oh well done onthe job Rambo you hear of any good tips lemme know least u gonna have steady money coming in thats what its all.about


Well-Known Member
Her that little bitch supercharged i can't wait to get a sniff of that mate......well WiFi got cut off last night sonoaid the bill this morning and still no WiFi its doing my fucking nut in you pay for a service and don't get the cunt......oh well done onthe job Rambo you hear of any good tips lemme know least u gonna have steady money coming in thats what its all.about
i worked for bookies before they are crafty cunts refuse a shitload of bets when any inside info is thought makes for a great job refusing people bets when they are half cut or high as a kite but interesting i spose, u stocked up mate? be wanting me meds prob end of wk.


Well-Known Member
Yeh thought u worked in a bookies before there's only onewinner really aain't they....yeh I got a few in but most probs not enough for you I can pick some mor up 2 morra how many was u after?


Well-Known Member
Ahoy fuck wits! Fair fucks rambo me ol boy, ur a smart..enough cunt so im sure you'll be promoted once someone dies or gets deported.

veg porn.. First is lsd, second is cheese suprise, deep bluex liver, unknown beast followed buy random group shot of the less impressive ones, dbxl,fireballs...kinda disdapointed with the fb so far but the cheese suprise is making up for it. Still gonna keep a fireball to chop to taste the fruits of my labourn all that raz



Well-Known Member
Ahoy fuck wits! Fair fucks rambo me ol boy, ur a smart..enough cunt so im sure you'll be promoted once someone dies or gets deported.

veg porn.. First is lsd, second is cheese suprise, deep bluex liver, unknown beast followed buy random group shot of the less impressive ones, dbxl,fireballs...kinda disdapointed with the fb so far but the cheese suprise is making up for it. Still gonna keep a fireball to chop to taste the fruits of my labourn all that raz
fuck that geezer im just thinking of it as get some real work experience on me cv n look for sumfing better after i done me time lol will earn in the next wks a half yrs wage from me green lol compared says it all, but its gotta be done........


Well-Known Member
Get that little bitch supercharged i can't wait to get a sniff of that mate......well WiFi got cut off last night sonoaid the bill this morning and still no WiFi its doing my fucking nut in you pay for a service and don't get the cunt......oh well done onthe job Rambo you hear of any good tips lemme know least u gonna have steady money coming in thats what its all.about
lol will do mate, surpprised it even survived, mate of mine arranged with someone to get hold of a Gringo snip n when he got to the blokes house he tried charging my mate £200 for a snip so my mate just topped one of his branches for him n chucked the 1" top in his pocket an then didnt manage to get it into soil for nearly 4 hrs lol, by the time it was put in soil there was less than 1cm above the soil hence it taking so long to root n start growing lol