Tips and Tricks

drew k.420

Active Member
pics always help but anyway heres my key to not fucking up:leave it alone unless it needs water ,DONT give it to much love and LESS IS MORE. if your not sure what your doing follow this until you can get to a point where you can start experimenting.good luck man!

Closet Grow

Active Member
well, general advice on watering, Ive never actually been given good advice on watering.
and here it is as of yesterday:
12 days:
Image (3).jpg


Well-Known Member
well, general advice on watering, Ive never actually been given good advice on watering.
and here it is as of yesterday:
12 days:
View attachment 1076893
You want to water HEAVILY..... and then wait for the soil to 'almost' completely dry out before watering again. The way I do this is after a heavy watering. Lift the pot and feel how heavy it is. When the soil drys out quite a bit the pot will me a whole lot lighter to lift. This is when you should water. Or when the top 2' of soil is dry to the touch.