transplant now or later?


Well-Known Member
I have a large number of plants.. all grown from seed. I don't want to transplant now and risk throwing away a bunch of perfectly good soil because the plant turned out to be male. Can I begin flowering, determine the sex, THEN transplant?


Well-Known Member
how big are they? cuz theyll double when you start flowering and you dont want them to get rootbound.transplant all of them and keep them in the vegitative stage then try cutting clones from each plant and after a few days to a week flower them that way you know all the plants sex before you put the rest out of veg so no seedy weed.just get rid of all the cloned samples or watever .


Well-Known Member
They're close to a foot some over a foot..

I do plan on transplanting I just want to know the sex first so I'm not wasting soil and I don't really have the tools to clone at the moment. I want to just switch on the lights to 12/12 long enough to determine sex.. then transplant. I've heard it's better to transplant before flowering though is this true?


Well-Known Member
you dont want initiate the flowerphase and then go back to 24/24 0r 6/18. and yes id assume its better to transplant them before they flower. and if you flower clones you could know the sex in two or three weeks without any harm befalling what could be good bud


Well-Known Member
all you need is some rooting hormone its like 5 bucks at a garden center sone jiffy pellets like 3 bux at a garden center and a compact flourecent light. oh and maybe like something like a little plastic dome thing if you cant mist them frequently.


Well-Known Member
What made you think I'd revert from 12/12 to 24/0?

Don't worry I don't plan on doing that. :)


Well-Known Member
cuz you said it like "id just want to know the sex real fast" but yeah if you flower clones you can pick out the females without worrying about pollen ruining a crop was all i was getting at :)


Well-Known Member
I do want to know the sex real fast but only so I don't have to uselessly transplant a male and have to throw it away later. ;)