

Well-Known Member

My baby is 13 days old today do you think shes ready for being transplanted in to a 3litre pot today?.

I've got my nutrients schedule from biobizz on the soil biobizz - All Bizz i use and they say i should start the biobizz grow tomorrow as shes 2 weeks old.
and follow the schedule and it will all go fine they say.

The little mark is a burn from the light as it was touching.

Here is a picture do you think shes ready?

.day 13.jpg


Well-Known Member
Should I put the soil in then soak it with water or just add a little as she start 1ml/l biobizz grow

Also should I do 1 feed with nutrients and 1 with. Just water


Well-Known Member
let the soil dry out, then transplant late in the day or an hour or two before the lights go off, pat it down so the roots have good contact with the new medium, then give them a thorough watering. and then you're done.


Well-Known Member
I haven't done anything yet it's just she starts nutrients tomorrow what should I do as will need to feed her again tomorrow


Well-Known Member

I remember watching this nearly a decade ago.


Well-Known Member
Successful transparent what you think?.


added just a little water until it came out bottom also when i lifted the plant out the other pot and it had lots of roots out the bottom.