
So one of my plants main stem started molding and its spreading to the point I had to cut 2 Colas, luckily it wasn't the top one though. I don't know why but I been taught to never trim shit until that girl is done with everything. My mom (experienced grower) and 2 other homies are telling me to trim so it's mostly nuggets but leave the other friend is telling me to cut all the leaves that are blocking sunlight. Idk what to do. I'm not sure what week they are in, maybe 5the. Any guesses? Some insight on the trimming and mold issue? Please?


Dice Clay

Active Member
Due to where I live, bud rot is an every year occurance with the outdoor grow... the only thing to do is to cut out as much as possible and start the drying process... this particular type of bud rot thrives only on living plant tissue. As the drying process starts the mold will die.. check every 6 hours or so and cut out ANY moldy spots and the areas around it. At this point it really becomes a salvaging project. That is just my experience. They look beautiful.. wish you the best


Well-Known Member
never trim leaves for more sun light man common just tuck them away leaves are like solar panals giveing energy to the plants just tuck some leaves if you must. but please please dont go cutting off them fan leaves some people like to do it though i gusse they dont know how to simply tuck a leaf between another leaf or in a stem. just my 2c bro hope all goes well with your grow. so the 2 colas were the bottem ones that molded? if there is mold that is a diff story though cut it and take it away i had a recent battle with mold its a bitch relly man.
I went ahead and chopped the main Cola today, it looks like the other Colas ate getting fatter. (: slow cite dry now, I hope it didn't taste like fertilizer cause I didn't get to flush in time.


New Member
So one of my plants main stem started molding and its spreading to the point I had to cut 2 Colas, luckily it wasn't the top one though. I don't know why but I been taught to never trim shit until that girl is done with everything. My mom (experienced grower) and 2 other homies are telling me to trim so it's mostly nuggets but leave the other friend is telling me to cut all the leaves that are blocking sunlight. Idk what to do. I'm not sure what week they are in, maybe 5the. Any guesses? Some insight on the trimming and mold issue? Please?

OUCH! picture number 6 does not look good....
That's the one that got ill after I lollipopped it. Since I chopped the main Cola, the other 5 fattened up. Any guess on the week of flower?