TurboKlone Shipping

I bought a TurboKlone and was surprised to see the box had TurboKlone all over it in big letters. But other than it seems great. From ordering to delivery took a day. Of course I live about an hour away from where it was shipped. But don't order from them if you are worried about stealth.


Active Member
I would like to know if you have any sucess form it. I bought one about a year ago and never had sucess from it. The clone stayed alive but never rooted.
A couple of the clones are starting to put out roots after a week. This morning one had just a little bump and a few hours later it there was a small white root. And I put in some seedlings that hadn't been doing well, and the roots just took off. I have the 48 site cloner, but I think I am only going to put in 24 at a time so that they have room to grow.
It's been ten days and all the cuttings have some form of roots. I killed off some of the leaves though. I forgot to unplug the unit before putting in new cuttings, and the leaves got wet and burned under the lights. At least that is what I think happened.