uk growers outdoor strains and past results 'come on lads'


basically wanna try get as many people in the UK to post what results they've had with different strains for other people in the uk for this year. tried several posts but seem to get no replies compared to a few years ago hope i was just doing it in wrong place. come on UK


cheers man posted on uk growers still waiting tho lol unfortunately i cant do it indoors anymore too bait where i live wanna go natural i was thinking one of those green translucent tents but dunno what strain would be the best had a lovely blue cheese plant but it got nicked i can probably start indoors tho just what strain will finish and be worth the effort i put in wanna live somewhere else lol


Well-Known Member
I answered your Q in the uk thread, but fuck it i'll post it here to lol.....
  • I'm attempting an outdoor grow this year and will be using auto's i'm thinking of auto ak47,auto afghan kush or auto pounder. I was told that photo's would never finish on time before the first frost, but fuck nose!​



lol you know dont want to get seeds on a whim and them not even finish i did auto ak47 indoors a few years back was nice smelt almost lemony when i was cutting it got like 3/4 oz from one plant indoors tho. was thinking of getting a few nice indicas like kush or cheese but does we need to know what strains finish before first frost and will have a nice harvest. what sort of set up you gunna have mate?


Well-Known Member
Using openings in a forest behind my house, that get 4 to 6 hrs a day of direct sunlight,. Next month i'm gonna go and condition the earth with some manure. Also want to use auto's for the height too, they should kinda blend with the other 'native' plants that are there. That's it so far man


nice im just gunna start mine in pots and plant them in garden when theyre a moth or so i reckon, i wanna do a photo plant not an auto but if i cant work out what one to buy guess itll be auto lol last year i got £50 worth of purple kush seeds and none germinated i was pissed lol. if i hear anything about strains ill let you know you thought of them flash seeds like purple maroc or speedy gonzales


Well-Known Member
lol i'd of been pissed off to. Just always check the breeders description they usually tell you what month they 'should' finish. Never heard of flash seeds mate, heard of the strain speedygonzales, but i've never looked at it before tbh


Well-Known Member
Suppose it would be ok if you were able to get it into direct sunlight allday. It's the last sentence of the description that puts me off. For the warmer/Mediterranean climates we offer outdoor strains with a very high flower to leaf ratio. (more flowers than leaves, rock hard buds) . Makes me think it needs alot warmer climate than ours mate


hmm cheers for the reply guess your probably right so how do semi autos even work lol on hours or age


haha im just gunna steer clear of those until i see them on here maybe someone will do them this year. you had any luck with autos outdoor i done some indoors but not sure if i can get a good harvest or not

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
I'm in the uk and I wouldn't even attempt an outdoor grow here they will drown or blow away, poor things wouldn't stand a chance and then theirs the nosy neighbors I wouldn't chance it personally. ;-)