Urrgh, Yellowing And Brown Spots

alright i'll preface this by saying that i hate being the noob just asking for someone to fix it for me, but ive been looking around forever to find out wtf this is and have had so much conflicting info.. and nothings matched exactly. so RIU, save me!

basically the leaves have started yellowing with rust colored spots from the edges inward, with the veins staying green almost up until they die completley. it started out on just one leaf, most of it was green, while the middle 'finger' was yellowing with brown/rust colored spots. you can kinda see the spots on the first picture, but it seems like the plant has abandoned spots in favor of burning edges now. so initially i thought this was a K deficiency, but i added more K (and a bit of N) about 5 days ago and the problem has only gotten worse.

its only affecting the bottom leaves but its definatley like, once one leaf is fucked it moves upward. the top of the plant still looks gorgeous imo, though there are some speckles of rust here and there (no yellowing at all though). seems small but i watch enough house to know every symptom matters =p the 4th pic has these spots circled, though all i have for a camera is my iphone and its kinda shit for macro shots (sorry :<)

and cuz i read stickies:
2) Growing indoor or outdoors: indoor for past 2 months, forced to break into outdoors by a lame patient.
3) Watering schedule: when soil is light
4) Growing Medium: soil
5) What stage of growth: veggin' (2.25 months)

so is this nute burn? deficiency? a crazy fungi? haaalp:wall:

PICS (first post, sorry if these are giant and auto load n shit):





Active Member
Directions are often times too aggressive and assume perfect growing conditions, looks like they're being fed too aggressively and being burned. I always start at 75% of the general directions and slowly work up, I have some tip burn on mine now for adding just a tad too much to my res.