Venting air from a bathroom into a growbox to maintain temp and raise humidity


Hi all,

I am a long time lurker, first time poster and had a question.

A grow box in an attic will get pretty cold in the evenings during winter. Would I cause any negative outcomes if I took air from the extractor fan im my bathroom and ducted it into the computer fan driven intake of a grow cabinet?

I have a carbon scrubber and an inline fan as an exhaust.

My worry is that the temps are getting too low with the scrubber running all the time (Need to do this to control smell)

The room can get down to 11c and as high as 27c

I use the shower every morning and was hoping that I could give the plants a morning burst of humidity and a more stable temp throughout the day?

Has this been done?

I am running a 400W hps in the growbox for flowering only. The vegging is done under a seperate CFL.

Plants are in soil and this is my second plant (currently doing one at a time for personal enjoyment and to learn the basics)

I have ordered a thermometer / humidity gauge so I will be able to give more accurate details of the conditions as the system currently is

Great forum, I used it to read up when buying the kit I have now


PS. This is of course a hypothetical question and I am by no means growing my own fun!



Now that I have a thermometer installed i have noticed that the temp in my grow box goes as low as 3c at night and around 27c during the day. As per my previous thread I am now drawing warm air (20c) from the room below the attic but the thermometer still reads 4c. I have a fart fan (110cm3 per hour) on a carbon scrubber that runs 24/7, there is also a 120mm high powered computer fan boosting the inlet that is ducted to the house.

If the air going in is 20c then I dont get why the box is so cold. Maybe I should insulate it?

Thinking about it I should really have run the lamps for 12hrs during the night and then off during the day to keep the temp more constant. I set them to be on from dawn to dusk as i assumed that this is what the plant would get in the wild.

I only have one plant at the mo so could I swap the timer to start 12 hrs later?

This plant is a real scraggy thing anyway.

The light is a 400w hps.

Any ideas?