WA. State HB1177& 2401 Dead


Well-Known Member
So our weasels who are supposed to represent us have killed both HB1177&HB2401 , I figured as much.
So what we have to do now is ,support the initiative put forth by Sensible Washington to straight out legalize Cannabis for adults .
To be honest , I am glad that HB2401 died , because it would have screwed the MedMJ people out here, HB1177 was OK by me, but not exactly "legalization".
support the initiative, gather signatures,sign it,encourage everyone to sign it ,AND VOTE IT INTO LAW> then let's watch the weasel bastards scuttle .:fire:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Waiting on legislators to recognize your inalienable rights is frustrating. If you are a referendum state that is the way to go. Good luck.