Watch out for light outdoors


Active Member
I got a late start on my first outdoor crop. They were indoors for germination and a few weeks until yet one more light bulb from my supplier burned out prematurely and I had to get them all outside. They appeared to be doing fine, though. But although one preflowered early, none showed any signs of preflowering. More weeks passed. Still no preflowering. Plenty of leaf pairs - maybe 8 - 10 - nothing. I had known about the street light problem from Cervantes' book. But I didn't think about the lights coming from my kitchen window.

Dumb move.

I don't actually have many places in my yard where the street lights don't shine. This was one. But I suspect the two lights from my kitchen were even brighter than the street lights and so the day length wasn't dropping from their perspective. It was quite a task but I got them potted up into bigger pots (had hoped for preflowering so I wouldn't have to pot a bunch of possible males) and into the one place they were safe from light. Even though it's within partial view over the fence of a state cop. Having a card helps.

I don't know how long it will take them to pre-flower so I can weed out the males, but I imagine it will happen. I just hope they will make it through with enough time to bloom in my climate. I need these plants. Can't help being a newbie, I guess. I learned a lot about hydroponics the hard way, and now I get to learn about growing outdoors the hard way, too.:cry:

Beautiful little plantation, though.

I will report in as to how long it takes them to preflower after being moved out of the light.


Well-Known Member
Good advice, brother. I'm way too deep in the bush to worry about that, but some of the growers who have the luxury of being able to grow near their place of residence probably haven't taken this into consideration.


Active Member
Anyone have any other info on this issue? I've read on here in the past that low light that is not close to the plants shouldn't cause an issue.
Also how much light would be ok? I mean moon light is enough to not have total darkness.


Active Member
Well I checked out my plants last night and I am still really confused about this topic. The main question is how much light is ok and how much would cause an issue?
There are street lights but they do not light up the area. IMO when someone is talking about lights at night causing an issue I imagine a dark room with a night light or say a light in a closet that is open enough to let the light out.
As long as there is no light directly hitting the plants or enough light to "light up" the area is that ok? My girls are in the ground so if there is any issue I really need to come up with a game plan before I end up wasting all of this work.

Thanks in advance:joint: