Water condensation ---- Is this normal?

Hello all!

I am in the process of a pc micro grow. My plants are 3 weeks and 1 day old. Lights come on at 9pm and turn off at 9am. Every night when I open the case, there are little water droplets on the leaves. After about 25 minutes all of the drops have dried and it leaves behind a glossy water mark and what appears to be a white circle around the outside of the drop. My intake and exhaust fans are off during its night cycle. Has anyone heard of this before? Is it normal? What can I do to prevent this?

Thanks for all your help.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I've seen something similar on my girls. A drop or two of clear water on some fan leaves covered by other fan leaves, but no glossy mark left or white ring either. I do not have bugs of any sort. I can't tell you if its' normal or not cuz I'm a noob, but I thought I'd add my two cents so you'd know you aren't alone. My plants are 30 days old, in the 2nd week of flowering and looking good otherwise. For me, the hardest part is not freaking out over every little thing...and just leaving them alone. Good luck to you, Cincy.. :weed:


Active Member
morning dew seems pretty normal. im a super noob, but i try to compare things that are happening to what happens in nature. and if you have really high humidity, you are going to get condensation (dew). Thats chemistry. The white spots sound like you just have really hard water and when the water evaporates you are getting the minerals left behind on your leaves.

why do you have your night cycle during the day and day cycle at night? shouldnt your lights come ON at 9am and OFF at 9 pm? And if you are not flowering/budding them you shouldnt have them on a 12/12 yet. If you are, then sorry for trying to correct you.

It would seem easier though to seal off all light if your night cycle was actually at night.

its 100% possible that im 100% wrong. but the condensation seems like nature doing its normal routine of water turning to vapor then back to liquid then back to vapor again... Maybe try to get a little more ventilation


Well-Known Member
I'd just run the fan at night and maybe even your exhaust fan too. They need oxygen at night (dark cycle) and Co2 in the light.

Do you know your RH in the room at night? It could be too high so that mold could grow.


Well-Known Member
You NEED to get your humidity down. keep the fans all on all the time. your gonna have real bad problems if it keeps up, mold, and mildew and that will be more than happy to ruin a whole crop if you give them the chance.


Well-Known Member
You NEED to get your humidity down. keep the fans all on all the time. your gonna have real bad problems if it keeps up, mold, and mildew and that will be more than happy to ruin a whole crop if you give them the chance.
If you don't get the humidity down and you get powdery mildew or bud rot, it could ruin your whole crop.

Some strains are more susceptible than others. :bigjoint:
If you don't get the humidity down and you get powdery mildew or bud rot, it could ruin your whole crop.

Some strains are more susceptible than others. :bigjoint:
Thanks for the good tips guys. Now it looks like I'll need to create some sort of light trap (Since lights are off during the day) so I can keep my fans running all day.
btw, people run their off cycle during the day since it gets hotter than at night and is harder to keep temps down.
It works best for me to do it this way because it gets so hot here without air conditioning. Also, I'm not very comfortable leaving my lights on when I'm not at home so I've chosen to run them at night.

You NEED to get your humidity down. keep the fans all on all the time. your gonna have real bad problems if it keeps up, mold, and mildew and that will be more than happy to ruin a whole crop if you give them the chance.
Adjusted my wiring and timer to keep my fans on all day even when lights are off. No more water droplets!!! +1 Rep